On 01/30/2015 09:19 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> Given all this, it seems like a good idea to at least give a warning
>> if somebody tries to create a tablespace instead the data directory.
> A warning seems like a good idea.  I actually thought we *did* prevent
> it..
>> Arguably, we should prohibit it altogether, but there are obviously
>> people that want to do it, and there could even be somewhat valid
>> reasons for that, like wanting to set per-tablespace settings
>> differently for different tablespaces.  Possibly we should prohibit it
>> anyway, or maybe there should be an option to create a tablespace
>> whose directory is a real directory, not a symlink.  So then:
>> CREATE TABLESPACE foo LOCATION '/home/rhaas/pgdata/pg_tblspc/foo';
>> ...would fail, but if you really want a separate tablespace inside the
>> data directory, we could allow:
>> ...which would just create a bare directory where the symlink would normally 
>> go.
> I actually really like this 'NO LOCATION' idea.  Are there reasons why
> that would be difficult or ill-advised to do?
> I could see the NO LOCATION approach being useful for migrating between
> systems, in particular, or a way to have pg_basebackup work that doesn't
> involve having to actually map all the tablespaces...

I like this idea too.  And it would make tablespaces more manageable for
people who are using them for reasons other than putting them on
different disks.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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