>   VACUUM [FULL] [FREEZE] ... [ANALYZE] [tname [(cname, ...)]
> | VACUUM [({FULL [bool]|FREEZE [bool]|...}[,...])] [tname [(cname, ...)]
> | VACUUM [tname [(cname, ...)] [[WITH ]({FULL [bool]|FREEZE [bool]|...})]
> REINDEX [{INDEX|TABLE|...}] name [[WITH] (VERBOSE [bool]|...)]
> EXPLAIN [[WITH] ({ANALYZE [bool]|VERBOSE [bool]|... [,...]})] <statement>

I don't think "(OptionName [bool])" style like "(VERBOSE on, FORCE
on)" is needed for REINDEX command.
EXPLAIN command has such option style because it has the FORMAT option
can have value excepting ON/TRUE or OFF/FALSE.(e.g., TEXT, XML)
But the value of REINDEX command option can have only ON or OFF.
I think the option name is good enough.

Next, regarding of the location of such option, the several
maintenance command like CLUSTER, VACUUM has option at immediately
after command name.
>From consistency perspective,  I tend to agree with Robert to put
option at immediately after command name as follows.

Btw how long will the FORCE command available?


Sawada Masahiko

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