What I'd like to have in future versions of PostgreSQL:

- replication, replication, ... (you have seen that before). i guess most people would like to see that.

- a dblink like system for connecting to remote database systems (not just PostgreSQL???)
something like CREATE REMOTE VIEW would be damn good.
it would solve many problem when it comes to migration

- tablespaces (the directory based stuff which has been discussed on the list)
- somebody has mentioned XML before. the XPath stuff would be really cool

- PL/Sh should be in contrib. i know that the core team has decided not to put it in the core but contrib would be fine (I keep forgetting the URL of Peters website :( ...)

- packages: is there a way to define a set of functions as a package so that they can be removed using just one DROP PACKAGE or so? would be nice for huge projects

- urgent: being able to use PL/Perl in combination with SPI (There is a Pg-SPI but it is 0.01 - see http://search.cpan.org/author/APILOS/DBD-PgSPI-0.01/PgSPI.pm). a full and reliable implementation would be fine.

- preforking for faster startup

- declare MySQL as evil *g*.

Thanks a lot :)


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