On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 08:19:39PM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
>>> So I am planning to seriously focus soon on this stuff, basically
>>> using the TAP tests as base infrastructure for this regression test
>>> suite. First, does using the TAP tests sound fine?
>> Yes.
> Check.
>>> On the top of my mind I got the following items that should be tested:
>>> - WAL replay: from archive, from stream
>>> - hot standby and read-only queries
>>> - node promotion
>>> - recovery targets and their interferences when multiple targets are
>>> specified (XID, name, timestamp, immediate)
>>> - timelines
>>> - recovery_target_action
>>> - recovery_min_apply_delay (check that WAL is fetch from a source at
>>> some correct interval, can use a special restore_command for that)
>>> - archive_cleanup_command (check that command is kicked at each restart 
>>> point)
>>> - recovery_end_command (check that command is kicked at the end of recovery)
>>> - timeline jump of a standby after reconnecting to a promoted node

So, as long as I had a clear picture of what I wanted to do regarding
this stuff (even if this is a busy commit fest, sorry), I have been
toying around with perl and I have finished with the patch attached,
adding some base structure for a new test suite covering recovery.

This patch includes basic tests for the following items:
- node promotion, test of archiving, streaming, replication cascading
- recovery targets XID, name, timestamp, immediate and PITR
- Timeline jump of a standby when reconnecting to a newly-promoted standby
- Replay delay
Tests are located in src/test/recovery, and are not part of the main
test suite, similarly to the ssl stuff.
I have dropped recovery_target_action for the time being as long as
the matter on the other thread is not set
and I don't think that it would be complicated to create tests for
that btw.

The most important part of this patch is not the tests themselves, but
the base set of routines allowing to simply create nodes, take
backups, create standbys from backups, and set up nodes to do stuff
like streaming, archiving, or restoring from archives. There are many
configurations possible of course in recovery.conf, but the set of
routines that this patch present are made to be *simple* to not
overcomplicate the way tests can be written.

Feedback is of course welcome, but note that I am not seriously
expecting any until we get into 9.6 development cycle and I am adding
this patch to the next CF.

diff --git a/src/test/Makefile b/src/test/Makefile
index b7cddc8..7174c2d 100644
--- a/src/test/Makefile
+++ b/src/test/Makefile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SUBDIRS = regress isolation modules
 # The SSL suite is not secure to run on a multi-user system, so don't run
 # it as part of global "check" target.
+ALWAYS_SUBDIRS = recovery ssl
 # We want to recurse to all subdirs for all standard targets, except that
 # installcheck and install should not recurse into the subdirectory "modules".
diff --git a/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm b/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
index 003cd9a..a035472 100644
--- a/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
+++ b/src/test/perl/TestLib.pm
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
+  command_is
@@ -200,6 +201,16 @@ sub command_like
 	like($stdout, $expected_stdout, "$test_name: matches");
+sub command_is
+	my ($cmd, $expected_stdout, $test_name) = @_;
+	my ($stdout, $stderr);
+	my $result = run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	ok($result, "@$cmd exit code 0");
+	is($stderr, '', "@$cmd no stderr");
+	is($stdout, $expected_stdout, "$test_name: matches");
 sub issues_sql_like
 	my ($cmd, $expected_sql, $test_name) = @_;
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/.gitignore b/src/test/recovery/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499fa7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Generated by test suite
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/Makefile b/src/test/recovery/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16c063a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Makefile for src/test/recovery
+# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2015, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
+# src/test/recovery/Makefile
+subdir = src/test/recovery
+top_builddir = ../../..
+include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
+	$(prove_check)
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/README b/src/test/recovery/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c194297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Regression tests for recovery and replication
+This directory contains a test suite for recovery and replication,
+testing mainly the interactions of recovery.conf with cluster
+instances by providing a simple set of routines that can be used
+to define a custom cluster for a test, including backup, archiving,
+and streaming configuration.
+Running the tests
+    make check
+NOTE: This creates a temporary installation, and some tests may
+create one or multiple nodes, be they master of standby for the
+purpose of the tests.
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/RecoveryTest.pm b/src/test/recovery/RecoveryTest.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f401418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/RecoveryTest.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+package RecoveryTest;
+# Set of common routines for recovery regression tests for a PostgreSQL
+# cluster. This includes global variables and methods that can be used
+# by the various set of tests present to set up cluster nodes and
+# configure them according to the test scenario.
+# Cluster nodes can be freely created using initdb or using the existing
+# base backup of another node, with minimum configuration done when the
+# node is created for the first time like having a proper port number.
+# It is then up to the test to decide what to do with the newly-created
+# node for flexibility though.
+# Data folders of each node are available through the global variables
+# provided by this package, hashed depending on the port number:
+# - connstr_nodes to query the connection string of a given node
+# - datadir_nodes to get the data folder of a given node
+# - archive_nodes for the location of the WAL archives
+# - backup_nodes for the location of base backups
+# Nodes are identified by their port number, which should be unique
+# for each node of the cluster as it is run locally.
+use Cwd;
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+# TODO: Should try to remove this dependency
+use IPC::Run qw(run start);
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+	%connstr_nodes
+	%datadir_nodes
+	%backup_nodes
+	%archive_nodes
+	append_to_file
+	backup_node
+	enable_archiving
+	get_free_port
+	init_node
+	init_node_from_backup
+	init_recovery_test
+	make_archiving_standby
+	make_streaming_standby
+	pgctl_node
+	psql_get
+	psql_node
+# Global variables for node data
+%datadir_nodes = {};	# PGDATA folders
+%backup_nodes = {};	# Backup base folder
+%archive_nodes = {};	# Archive base folder
+%connstr_nodes = {};	# Connection strings
+# Adjust these paths for your environment
+my $testroot = "./tmp_check";
+# Location of log files
+my $logdir = "./regress_log";
+mkdir $logdir;
+my $log_path;
+$ENV{PGDATABASE} = "postgres";
+sub is_correct_port
+	my $port = $shift;
+	if ( $port =~ m/^\d+$/ )
+	{
+		die "Port number specified is not an integer";
+	}
+	if (port > 65536)
+	{
+		die "Port number specified higher than 65536";
+	}
+# init_recovery_test
+# Routine to call at the beginning of a test
+sub init_recovery_test
+	$testname = shift;
+	$log_path="regress_log/recovery_log_${testname}.log";
+	remove_tree $log_path;
+# Handy routine to report a message in the test's log file
+sub report_log
+	my $msg = shift;
+	system_or_bail("echo '$msg' >> $log_path 2>&1 ");
+# Set of handy routines able to set up a node with different characteristics
+# Enable streaming replication
+sub enable_streaming
+	my $port_root = shift; # Instance to link to
+	my $port_standby = shift;
+	append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby }/recovery.conf", qq(
+primary_conninfo='$connstr_nodes{ $port_root }'
+# Enable the use of restore_command from a node
+sub enable_restoring
+	my $port_root = shift; # Instance to link to
+	my $port_standby = shift;
+	append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby }/recovery.conf", qq(
+restore_command='cp -i $archive_nodes{ $port_root }/%f %p'
+# Enable WAL archiving on a node
+sub enable_archiving
+	my $port = shift;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	# Enable archive_mode and archive_command on node
+	append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port }/postgresql.conf", qq(
+archive_mode = on
+archive_command = 'cp -i %p $archive_nodes{ $port }/%f'
+# Standby node initialization
+# Node only streaming.
+sub make_streaming_standby
+	my $port_master = shift;
+	my $backup_name = shift;
+	my $port_standby = get_free_port();
+	init_node_from_backup($port_standby, $port_master, $backup_name);
+	# Start second node, streaming from first one
+	enable_streaming($port_master, $port_standby);
+	pgctl_node($port_standby, 'start');
+	return $port_standby;
+# Node getting only from archives
+sub make_archiving_standby
+	my $port_master = shift;
+	my $backup_name = shift;
+	my $port_standby = get_free_port();
+	init_node_from_backup($port_standby, $port_master, $backup_name);
+	# Start second node, streaming from first one
+	enable_restoring($port_master, $port_standby);
+	pgctl_node($port_standby, 'start');
+	return $port_standby;
+sub configure_base_node
+	my $port = shift;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	# Make configuration somewhat generic to test recovery
+	append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port }/postgresql.conf", qq(
+port = $port
+wal_level = hot_standby
+max_wal_senders = 5
+wal_keep_segments = 20
+max_wal_size = 128MB
+shared_buffers = 1MB
+wal_log_hints = on
+hot_standby = on
+autovacuum = off
+max_connections = 10
+wal_retrieve_retry_interval = '100ms'
+	# Accept replication connections
+	append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port }/pg_hba.conf", qq(
+local replication all trust
+# Get a port number not in use currently for a new node
+# As port number retrieval is based on the nodes currently running,
+# be sure that the node that is consuming this port number has already
+# been started.
+sub get_free_port
+	my $found = 0;
+	# XXX: Should this part use PG_VERSION_NUM?
+	my $port = 90400 % 16384 + 49152;
+	while ($found == 0)
+	{
+		$port++;
+		my $ret = system("psql -X -p $port postgres </dev/null 2>/dev/null");
+		if ($ret != 0)
+		{
+			$found = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	report_log("Found free port $port");
+	return $port;
+# Low-level routines to initialize a node
+# Initialize a node from scratch
+sub init_node
+	my $port = shift;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	# Save configuration information
+	$datadir_nodes{ $port } = TestLib::tempdir;
+	$backup_nodes{ $port } = TestLib::tempdir;
+	$connstr_nodes{ $port } = "port=$port";
+	$archive_nodes{ $port } =  TestLib::tempdir;
+	standard_initdb($datadir_nodes{ $port });
+	configure_base_node($port);
+# Initialize a node from an existing base backup
+sub init_node_from_backup
+	my ($port, $root_port, $backup_name) = @_;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	is_correct_port($root_port);
+	my $backup_path =  "$backup_nodes{ $root_port }/$backup_name";
+	my $backup_file = "$backup_path/base.tar";
+	# Check existence of backup wanted
+	if ( ! -d $backup_path )
+	{
+		die "Backup $backup_path does not exist";
+	}
+	# Save configuration information
+	$datadir_nodes{ $port } = TestLib::tempdir;
+	$backup_nodes{ $port } = TestLib::tempdir;
+	$connstr_nodes{ $port } = "port=$port";
+	$archive_nodes{ $port } =  TestLib::tempdir;
+	# Extract the base backup wanted
+	my $current_dir = cwd();
+	# Temporary move to the place of extraction
+	chdir "$datadir_nodes{ $port }";
+	Archive::Tar->extract_archive($backup_file);
+	chdir "$current_dir";
+	configure_base_node($port);
+# Create a backup on a node already running
+sub backup_node
+	my ($port, $backup_name) = @_;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	my $backup_path = "$backup_nodes{ $port }/$backup_name";
+	# Backup a node in tar format, it is more portable across platforms
+	system_or_bail("pg_basebackup -D $backup_path -p $port --format=t -x >> $log_path 2>&1");
+# Run simple SQL query on a node
+sub psql_node
+	my ($port, $query) = @_;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	report_log("Running \"$query\" on node with port $port");
+	system_or_bail("psql -q --no-psqlrc -d $connstr_nodes{ $port } -c \"$query\" >> $log_path 2>&1");
+# Run a query on a node and fetch back its result, This routine is
+# useful when needing server-side state data like data to define
+# a recovery target for example that depend on the environment
+# when this test suite is run.
+sub psql_get
+	my ($port, $query) = @_;
+	my ($stdout, $stderr);
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	report_log("Running  \"$query\" on node with port $port to get back results");
+	my $result = run [ "psql", "-A", "-t", "-q",
+					   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port }", "--no-psqlrc",
+					   "-c $query" ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
+	chomp($stdout);
+	return $stdout;
+# Perform an action with pg_ctl on a node
+sub pgctl_node
+	my $port = shift;
+	my $action = shift;
+	is_correct_port($port);
+	report_log("Running \"$action\" on node with port $port");
+	system_or_bail("pg_ctl $action -w -D $datadir_nodes{ $port } >> $log_path 2>&1");
+# Add a set of parameters to a configuration file
+sub append_to_file
+	my($filename, $str) = @_;
+	open my $fh, ">>", $filename or die "could not open file $filename";
+	print $fh $str;
+	close $fh;
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl b/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d6ebeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Minimal test testing streaming replication
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+use RecoveryTest;
+# Initialize master node
+my $port_master = get_free_port();
+my $backup_name = 'my_backup';
+# Start it
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'start');
+# Take backup
+backup_node($port_master, $backup_name);
+# Create streaming standby linking to master
+my $port_standby_1 = make_streaming_standby($port_master, $backup_name);
+# Take backup of standby 1 (not mandatory, but useful to check if
+# pg_basebackup works on a standby).
+backup_node($port_standby_1, $backup_name);
+# Create second standby node linking to standby 1
+my $port_standby_2 = make_streaming_standby($port_standby_1, $backup_name);
+# Create some content on master and check its presence in standby 1 and 2
+psql_node($port_master, "CREATE TABLE tab_int AS SELECT generate_series(1,1002) AS a");
+# Sleep a bit to have time to replay things
+sleep 1;
+command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby_1 }", '-c', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"],
+		   qq(1002
+		   'check streamed content');
+command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby_2 }", '-c', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"],
+		   qq(1002
+		   'check streamed content');
+# Check that only READ-only queries can run on standbys
+command_fails(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby_1 }", '-c', "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (1)"],
+		   'Read-only queries on standby 1');
+command_fails(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby_2 }", '-c', "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (1)"],
+		   'Read-only queries on standby 2');
+# Stop nodes
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+pgctl_node($port_standby_1, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+pgctl_node($port_standby_2, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/002_archiving.pl b/src/test/recovery/t/002_archiving.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a76ed65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/002_archiving.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# test for archiving with warm standby
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use File::Copy;
+use RecoveryTest;
+# Initialize master node, doing archives
+my $port_master = get_free_port();
+my $backup_name = 'my_backup';
+# Start it
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'start');
+# Take backup for slave
+backup_node($port_master, 'my_backup');
+# Initialize standby node from backup, fetching WAL from archives
+my $port_standby = make_archiving_standby($port_master, $backup_name);
+# Create some content on master
+		  "CREATE TABLE tab_int AS SELECT generate_series(1,1000) AS a");
+# Force archiving of WAL file to make it present on master
+psql_node($port_master, "SELECT pg_switch_xlog()");
+# Add some more content, it should not be present on standby
+		  "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (generate_series(1001,2000))");
+# Sleep a bit to have time to replay things
+sleep 2;
+command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby }", '-c', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"],
+		   qq(1000
+		   'check content from archives');
+# Stop nodes
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+pgctl_node($port_standby, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/003_recovery_targets.pl b/src/test/recovery/t/003_recovery_targets.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e725f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/003_recovery_targets.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Test for recovery targets: name, timestamp, XID
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More tests => 21;
+use RecoveryTest;
+# Create and test a standby from given backup, with a certain
+# recovery target.
+sub test_recovery_standby
+	my $test_name = shift;
+	my $port_master = shift;
+	my $recovery_params = shift;
+	my $num_rows = shift;
+	my $port_standby = get_free_port();
+	init_node_from_backup($port_standby, $port_master, 'my_backup');
+	append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby }/recovery.conf", qq(
+restore_command='cp -i $archive_nodes{ $port_master }/%f %p'
+	foreach my $param_item (@$recovery_params)
+	{
+		append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby }/recovery.conf",
+					   qq($param_item
+	}
+	pgctl_node($port_standby, 'start');
+	# Sleep a bit to have time to replay things
+	sleep 1;
+	# Create some content on master and check its presence in standby
+	command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+			   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby }", '-c',
+			   "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"],
+			   qq($num_rows
+			   "check standby content for $test_name");
+	# Stop standby nodes
+	pgctl_node($port_standby, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+# Initialize master node
+my $port_master = get_free_port();
+# Start it
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'start');
+# Create data before taking the backup, aimed at testing
+# recovery_target = 'immediate'
+		  "CREATE TABLE tab_int AS SELECT generate_series(1,1000) AS a");
+# Take backup from which all operations will be run
+backup_node($port_master, 'my_backup');
+# Insert some data with used as a replay reference, with a recovery
+# target TXID.
+		  "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (generate_series(1001,2000))");
+my $recovery_txid = psql_get($port_master, "SELECT txid_current()");
+# More data, with recovery target timestamp
+		  "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (generate_series(2001,3000))");
+my $recovery_time = psql_get($port_master, "SELECT now()");
+# Even more data, this time with a recovery target name
+		  "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (generate_series(3001,4000))");
+my $recovery_name = "my_target";
+		  "SELECT pg_create_restore_point('$recovery_name')");
+# Force archiving of WAL file
+psql_node($port_master, "SELECT pg_switch_xlog()");
+# Test recovery targets
+my @recovery_params = ( "recovery_target = 'immediate'" );
+test_recovery_standby('immediate target', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "1000");
+@recovery_params = ( "recovery_target_xid = '$recovery_txid'" );
+test_recovery_standby('XID', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "2000");
+@recovery_params = ( "recovery_target_time = '$recovery_time'" );
+test_recovery_standby('Time', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "3000");
+@recovery_params = ( "recovery_target_name = '$recovery_name'" );
+test_recovery_standby('Name', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "4000");
+# Multiple targets
+# Last entry has priority (note that an array respects the order of items
+# not hashes).
+@recovery_params = (
+	"recovery_target_name = '$recovery_name'",
+	"recovery_target_xid  = '$recovery_txid'",
+	"recovery_target_time = '$recovery_time'"
+test_recovery_standby('Name + XID + Time', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "3000");
+@recovery_params = (
+	"recovery_target_time = '$recovery_time'",
+	"recovery_target_name = '$recovery_name'",
+	"recovery_target_xid  = '$recovery_txid'"
+test_recovery_standby('Time + Name + XID', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "2000");
+@recovery_params = (
+	"recovery_target_xid  = '$recovery_txid'",
+	"recovery_target_time = '$recovery_time'",
+	"recovery_target_name = '$recovery_name'"
+test_recovery_standby('XID + Time + Name', $port_master,
+					  \@recovery_params,
+					  "4000");
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/004_timeline_switch.pl b/src/test/recovery/t/004_timeline_switch.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c05e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/004_timeline_switch.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Tets for timeline switch
+# Encure that a standby is able to follow a newly-promoted standby
+# on a new timeline.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use RecoveryTest;
+# Initialize master node
+my $port_master = get_free_port();
+# Start it
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'start');
+# Take backup
+my $backup_name = 'my_backup';
+backup_node($port_master, $backup_name);
+# Create two standbys linking to it
+my $port_standby_1 = make_streaming_standby($port_master, $backup_name);
+diag("Started standby 1 with port $port_standby_1");
+my $port_standby_2 = make_streaming_standby($port_master, $backup_name);
+diag("Started standby 2 with port $port_standby_2");
+# Create some content on master
+psql_node($port_master, "CREATE TABLE tab_int AS SELECT generate_series(1,1000) AS a");
+# Sleep a bit to have time to replay things
+sleep 1;
+# Stop master, and promote standby 1, switching it to a new timeline
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+pgctl_node($port_standby_1, 'promote');
+diag("Promoted standby 1");
+# Switch standby 2 to replay from standby 1
+remove_tree("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby_2 }/recovery.conf");
+append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby_2 }/recovery.conf", qq(
+primary_conninfo='$connstr_nodes{ $port_standby_1 }'
+pgctl_node($port_standby_2, "restart");
+sleep 1;
+# Insert some data in standby 1 and check its presence in standby 2
+# to ensure that the timeline switch has been done.
+		  "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (generate_series(1001,2000))");
+sleep 1;
+command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+			"-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby_2 }", '-c',
+			"SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"], qq(2000
+		   'check content of standby 2');
+# Stop nodes
+pgctl_node($port_standby_1, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+pgctl_node($port_standby_2, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/005_replay_delay.pl b/src/test/recovery/t/005_replay_delay.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bb090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/005_replay_delay.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Checks for recovery_min_apply_delay
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use RecoveryTest;
+# Initialize master node
+my $port_master = get_free_port();
+# Start it
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'start');
+# And some content
+psql_node($port_master, "CREATE TABLE tab_int AS SELECT generate_series(1,10) AS a");
+# Take backup
+backup_node($port_master, 'my_backup');
+# Initialize node from backup
+my $port_standby = get_free_port();
+init_node_from_backup($port_standby, $port_master, 'my_backup');
+# Start second node, streaming from first one
+append_to_file("$datadir_nodes{ $port_standby }/recovery.conf", qq(
+primary_conninfo='$connstr_nodes{ $port_master }'
+recovery_min_apply_delay = '2s'
+pgctl_node($port_standby, 'start');
+# Make new content on master and check its presence in standby
+# depending on the delay of 2s applied above
+psql_node($port_master, "INSERT INTO tab_int VALUES (generate_series(11,20))");
+# Here we should have only 10 rows
+sleep 1;
+command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby }", '-c', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"],
+		   qq(10
+		   'check content with delay of 1s');
+# Sleep a bit to have time to replay things and wait for delay to work
+sleep 1;
+command_is(['psql', '-A', '-t',  '--no-psqlrc',
+		   "-d $connstr_nodes{ $port_standby }", '-c', "SELECT count(*) FROM tab_int"],
+		   qq(20
+		   'check content with delay 2s');
+# Stop nodes
+pgctl_node($port_master, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
+pgctl_node($port_standby, 'stop', '-m', 'immediate');
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