Rod Taylor wrote:
Why just restrict them to moving tables?  What if someone wants to move a
function or an aggregate to another schema?

What if they want to copy it?

Copying might be tricky, but I'd be happy to help with moving everything
else around.  Though I don't think sequences can move (until we can
properly track their dependencies) but everything else should be able

Copy is another story all together.  But I'd like a

CREATE SCHEMA ... AS COPY <schemaname>;

Wouldn't it be better to use pg_dump/pg_restore for that?

If we could ask for just oen/some of the non-system schemas to be dumped it would be easy to restore it as another or even move it to another database. And one could dump only the schema or schema+data, as needed.
Of course, dependencies would have to be handled as objects can refer to objects in other schemas.

Fernando Nasser
Red Hat Canada Ltd. E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario M4P 2C9

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