On 4/21/15 10:04 AM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
One thing to consider is how we handle pruning of index scans that hit
multiple heap pages.  Do we still write X% of the pages in the table, or
%X of the heap pages we actually access via SELECT?  With the
write-then-skip approach, we would do X% of the pages we access, while
with the first-X% approach, we would probably prune all of them as we
would not be accessing most of the table.  I don't think we can do the
first first-X% of pages and have the percentage based on the number of
pages accessed as we have no way to know how many heap pages we will
access from the index.

This comment made me wonder... has anyone considered handing the pruning work off to a bgworker, at least for SELECTs? That means the selects themselves wouldn't be burdened by the actual prune work, only in notifying the bgworker. While that's not going to be free, presumably it's a lot cheaper...
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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