Hi, I've been trying to ask on general, and tried to search the
archives without much result, so I'll try here.

I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on Solaris 8/sparc. In a table, I have a
text field, which may contain long ascii strings. However, when trying
to put data larger than about 32000 characters (probably 32767), I get
various errors in different situations. I'll try to list the ones I've
seen here, hoping that it will help you find the problem.

Using libpq from my application, connecting to localhost:5432, I can
insert large ascii strings to the field using the INSERT command, but
I cannot get it with SELECT. I then get a "message type 0x44 arrived
from server while idle" error.

Using libpq from my application, connecting to the unix socket, I'm
unable to insert the large ascii string. I get a PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR,
but no text message is available, i.e. PQresultErrorMessage(result)
returns an empty string. When running SELECT here, I still get the
message type 0x44 error.

Using psql connecting to either unix socket or localhost:5432, I can
run the same SELECT and the correct data is printed.

The same application and PostgreSQL version running in Linux works
well, so I've only seen this on Solaris.

Since it works in psql, it must be possible for my application to work
too, but I just can't figure out why it doesn't. Are there known
problems with large strings on Solaris?



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