On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> On 2015-05-29 15:08:11 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
>> It seems pretty clear that we can't effectively determine anything
>> about member wraparound until the cluster is consistent.
> I wonder if this doesn't actually hints at a bigger problem.  Currently,
> to determine where we need to truncate SlruScanDirectory() is
> used. That, afaics, could actually be a problem during recovery when
> we're not consistent.
> Consider the scenario where a very large database is copied while
> running. At the start of the backup we'll determine at which checkpoint
> recovery will start and store it in the label. After that the copy will
> start, copying everything slowly. That works because we expect recovery
> to fix things up.  The problem I see WRT multixacts is that the copied
> state of pg_multixact could be wildly different from the one at the
> label's checkpoint. During recovery, before reaching the first
> checkpoint, we'll create multixact files as used at the time of the
> checkpoint. But the rest of pg_multixact may be ahead 2**31 xacts.

Yes, I think the code in TruncateMultiXact that scans for the earliest
multixact only works when the segment files span at most 2^31 of
multixact space. If they span more than that, MultiXactIdPrecedes is
no long able to provide a total ordering, so of the scan may be wrong,
depending on the order that it encounters the files.

Incidentally, your description of that scenario gave me an idea for
how to reproduce a base backup that 9.4.2 or master can't start.  I
tried this first:

1.  Set up with max_wal_senders = 1, wal_level = hot_standby, initdb
2.  Create enough multixacts to fill a couple of segments in
pg_multixacts/offsets using "explode_mxact_members 99 1000" (create
foo table first)
3.  Start a base backup with logs, but break in
src/backend/replication/basebackup.c after
sendFileWithContent(BACKUP_LABEL_FILE, labelfile); and before sending
the contents of the data dir (including pg_multixacts)... (or just put
a big sleep in there)
4.  UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = true; vacuumdb --freeze
--all; CHECKPOINT;, see that offsets/0000 is now gone and
oldestMultiXid is 98001 in pg_control
5.  ... allow the server backend to continue; the basebackup completes.

Inspecting the new data directory, I see that offsets/0000 is not
present as expected, and pg_control contains the oldestMultiXid 98001.

Since pg_control was copied after pg_multixacts and my database didn't
move between those copies, it points to a valid multixact (unlike the
pg_upgrade scenario) and is able to start up, but does something
different again which may or may not be good, I'm not sure:

LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2015-05-30 14:30:23 NZST
LOG:  file "pg_multixact/offsets/0000" doesn't exist, reading as zeroes
LOG:  redo starts at 0/7000028
LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 0/70C8898
LOG:  redo done at 0/70C8898
LOG:  last completed transaction was at log time 2015-05-30 14:30:17.261436+12
LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

My next theory about how to get a FATAL during startup is something
like this:  Break in basebackup.c in between copying pg_multixacts and
copying pg_control (simulating a very large/slow file copy, perhaps if
'base' happens to get copied after 'pg_multixacts', though I don't
know if that's possible), and while it's stopped, generate some
offsets segments, vacuum --freeze --all, checkpoint and then create a
few more multixacts, then checkpoint again (so that oldestMultiXact is
not equal to nextMultiXact).  Continue.  Now pg_control's
oldestMultiXactId now points at a segment file that didn't exist when
pg_multixacts was copied.  I haven't managed to get this to work (ie
produce a FATAL) and I'm out of time for a little while, but wanted to
share this idea in case it helps someone.

Thomas Munro

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