On 05/30/2015 06:51 PM, David Steele wrote:
On 5/30/15 8:38 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

On 05/30/2015 03:48 PM, David Steele wrote:
On 5/30/15 2:10 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
What, in this release, could break things badly?  RLS? Grouping sets?
Heikki's WAL format changes?  That last one sounds really scary to me;
it's painful if not impossible to fix the WAL format in a minor

I would argue Heikki's WAL stuff is a perfect case for releasing a
public alpha/beta soon.  I'd love to test PgBackRest with an "official"
9.5dev build.  The PgBackRest test suite has lots of tests that run on
versions 8.3+ and might well shake out any bugs that are lying around.

You are right. Clone git, run it nightly automated and please, please
report anything you find. There is no reason for a tagged release for
that. Consider it a custom, purpose built, build-test farm.

Sure - I can write code to do that.  But then why release a beta at all?

1. Continuous testing (especially automated) is a great thing (see Buildfarm)

2. The rules for patches change a bit when we move to Beta

3. We may be able to fix a problem now (or soon) that you might catch before Beta.



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