
I'm trying to figure out how a query and its result is passed between a 
coordinator and a datanode. I know there are many messages passed between them 
to finish a query.

I did a test against the coordinator by adding a row to a table and the sql 
was, insert into hg1(id, name) values(1,'tom'). 

I found a command 'P' was sent from the coordinator to a datanode and there was 
a remote statement as following,

query_string=Remote Subplan
plan_string={REMOTESTMT :commandType 3 :hasReturning false ...}

My questions are,
 1-does the coordinator use the remote statement to tell a datanode what to do? 
If so, how is the plan string created by the coordinator and how is the 
plan_string parsed by the datanode?

 2-if there are multiple rows in the result of the query, how are the rows of 
data passed from the datanode to the coordinator? Does the datanode just send 
all the rows of data to the coordinator? or the coordinator get each row of 
data by sending a query?

 Thank you very much!

 Rui Hai                                          
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