Hi KaiGai-san,

On 2015/06/27 21:09, Kouhei Kaigai wrote:
BTW, if you try newer version of postgres_fdw foreign join patch,
please provide me to reproduce the problem/


Did you forget to attach the patch, or v17 is in use?

Sorry, I made a mistake.  The problem was produced using v16 [1].

I'd like to suggest a solution that re-construct remote tuple according
to the fdw_scan_tlist on ExecScanFetch, if given scanrelid == 0.
It enables to run local qualifier associated with the ForeignScan node,
and it will also work for the case when tuple in es_epqTupleSet[] was
local heap.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't think your proposal works
properly because we don't have any component ForeignScan state node or
subsidiary join state node once we've replaced the entire join with the
ForeignScan performing the join remotely, IIUC.  So, my image was to
have another subplan for EvalPlanQual as well as the ForeignScan, to do
the entire join locally for the component test tuples if we are inside
an EvalPlanQual recheck.

Hmm... Probably, we have two standpoints to tackle the problem.

The first standpoint tries to handle the base foreign table as
a prime relation for locking. Thus, we have to provide a way to
fetch a remote tuple identified with the supplied ctid.
The advantage of this approach is the way to fetch tuples from
base relation is quite similar to the existing form, however,
its disadvantage is another side of the same coin, because the
ForeignScan node with scanrelid==0 (that represents remote join
query) may have local qualifiers which shall run on the tuple
according to fdw_scan_tlist.

IIUC, I think this approach would also need to evaluate join conditions and remote qualifiers in addition to local qualifiers in the local, for component tuples that were re-fetched from the remote (and remaining component tuples that were copied from whole-row vars, if any), in cases where the re-fetched tuples were updated versions of those tuples rather than the same versions priviously obtained.

One other standpoint tries to handle a bunch of base foreign
tables as a unit. That means, if any of base foreign table is
the target of locking, it prompts FDW driver to fetch the latest
"joined" tuple identified by "ctid", even if this join contains
multiple base relations to be locked.
The advantage of this approach is that we can use qualifiers of
the ForeignScan node with scanrelid==0 and no need to pay attention
of remote qualifier and/or join condition individually.
Its disadvantage is, we may extend EState structure to keep the
"joined" tuples, in addition to es_epqTupleSet[].

That is an idea. However, ISTM there is another disadvantage; that is not efficient because that would need to perform another remote join query having such additional conditions during an EvalPlanQual check, as you proposed.

I'm inclined to think the later standpoint works well, because
it does not need to reproduce an alternative execution path in
local side again, even if a ForeignScan node represents much
complicated remote query.
If we would fetch tuples of individual base relations, we need
to reconstruct identical join path to be executed on remote-
side, don't it?

Yeah, that was my image for fixing this issue.

IIUC, the purpose of EvalPlanQual() is to ensure the tuples to
be locked is still visible, so it is not an essential condition
to fetch base tuples individually.

I think so too, but taking the similarity and/or efficiency of processing into consideration, I would vote for the idea of having an alternative execution path in the local. That would also allow FDW authors to write the foreign join pushdown functionality in their FDWs by smaller efforts.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

[1] http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAEZqfEe9KGy=1_wagh2rgzpg0o4pqgd+iauyaj8wtze+cyj...@mail.gmail.com

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