On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 19:13, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> OK, let me see if I understand the ramifications.
> If you install 7.3.1 _on_top_of 7.3, both major versions will exist, and
> you your old binaries will continue to work.  However, if you delete the
> old libraries, then install, anything compiled against 7.3 will not work
> until it is recompiled.

Yes.  You will have libpq.so.3.0 in 7.3.1; and you have libpq.so.2.2
from 7.3 (and also from 7.2.x, though in fact they are different).  If
you have installed 7.3.1 on top of 7.3, you will have libpq.so.3
(symlinked to libpq.so.3.0) from 7.3.1, and libpq.so.2 (symlinked to
libpq.so.2.2) from an earlier release.

> Also, any new linking against a 7.3.1 that has both major version
> numbers will use the newer major?  Is that right?

7.3.1 will only have the new major version number; the old one will have
come from 7.3 or earlier.  The library chosen by the linker is the one
linked to libpq.so.

Oliver Elphick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LFIX Limited

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