Hi all,

When using currval() to find the current value of all sequences, it chokes
on those that aren't initialised.  This is expected and documented as
behaving in this manner.  However, I think it would be useful to also
support retrieving the current value of a sequence, regardless of whether
it's been used.  As this wouldn't be to get a sequence value for the
current session, but all sessions, this would ideally get the real current

The use-case I have in mind is for finding out how close to the 32-bit
integer limit sequences have reached.  At the moment, this isn't possible
without creating a custom function to go fetch the last_value from the
specified sequence.

So would it be desirable to have a function which accepts a sequence
regclass as a parameter, and returns the last_value from the sequence?

Effectively, the same result as what this provides:

CREATE FUNCTION lastval(tablename regclass) RETURNS bigint AS $$
  last_value bigint;
  EXECUTE format('SELECT last_value FROM %I ', tablename) INTO last_value
USING tablename;
  RETURN last_value;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


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