On 15 July 2015 at 05:58, Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:

> > > If it's
> > > to stay, it *must* get a line-by-line review from some committer-level
> > > person; and I think there are other more important things for us to be
> > > doing for 9.5.
> > >
> >
> > Honestly, I am very surprised by this.
> Tom's partial review found quite a crop of unvarnished bugs:
> 1. sample node can give different tuples across rescans within an executor
> run
> 2. missing dependency machinery to restrict dropping a sampling extension
> 3. missing "pg_dump --binary-upgrade" treatment
> 4. "potential core dumps due to dereferencing values that could be null"
> 5. factually incorrect comments
> 6. null argument checks in strict functions
> 7. failure to check for constisnull
> 8. "failure to sanity-check" ntuples
> 9. arithmetic errors in random_relative_prime()
> (That's after sifting out design counterproposals, feature requests, and
> other
> topics of regular disagreement.  I erred on the side of leaving things off
> that list.)  Finding one or two like that during a complete post-commit
> review
> would be business as usual.  Finding nine in a partial review diagnoses a
> critical shortfall in pre-commit review vigilance.  Fixing the bugs found
> to
> date will not cure that shortfall.  A qualified re-review could cure it.

Thank you for the summary of points. I agree with that list.

I will work on the re-review as you suggest.

1 and 4 relate to the sample API exposed, which needs some rework. We'll
see how big that is; at this time I presume not that hard, but I will wait
for Petr's opinion also when he returns on Friday.

Simon Riggs                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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