On 03/04/2015 06:58 PM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Heikki Linnakangas
<hlinnakan...@vmware.com> wrote:
In the original post on this, you mentioned that the PostGIS guys planned to
use this to store polygons, as bounding boxes
(http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/5447b3ff.2080...@sigaev.ru). Any idea
how would that work?

Poorly, by hanging boxes that straddled dividing lines off the parent
node in a big linear list. The hope would be that the case was
sufficiently rare compared to the overall volume of data, to not be an
issue. Oddly enough this big hammer has worked in other
implementations at least passable well

Ok, I see, but that's not really what I was wondering. My question is this: SP-GiST partitions the space into non-overlapping sections. How can you store polygons - which can overlap - in an SP-GiST index? And how does the compress method help with that?

- Heikki

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