On Monday 16 December 2002 07:43 pm, you wrote:
> Consider that on the slave which is now the active server (master dead),
> it's possible that the slave's PITR's will be recycled before the master
> can come back up.  As such, unless there is a, an archival process for
> PITR or b, a method of streaming PITR's off for archival, the odds of
> using PITR to recover the master (resync if you will) seem greatly
> reduced as you will be unable to replay PITR on the master for
> synchronization.

I agree. Since we are talking about features in future release, I think it 
should be added to TODO if not already there.

I don't know about WAL numbering but AFAIU, it increments and old files are 
removed once there are enough WAL files as specified in posgresql.conf. IIRC 
there are some perl based replication project exist already which use this 


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