Andres Freund <> writes:
> On 2015-07-01 12:55:48 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> I'm thinking we really ought to mount a campaign to replace some of these
>>> macros with inlined-if-possible functions.

>> My guess is that changing a very small amount of them will do a large
>> enough portion of the job.

> I think it'd be good to convert the macros in bufpage.h and bufmgr.h
> that either currently have multiple evaluation hazards, or have a
> AssertMacro() in them. The former for obvious reasons, the latter
> because that immediately makes them rather large (on and it implies
> multiple evaluation hazards anyway).

> That'd mean inlining PageSetPageSizeAndVersion(), PageGetSpecialSize(),
> PageGetSpecialPointer(), PageGetItem(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(),
> PageIsPrunable(), PageSetPrunable(), PageClearPrunable(),
> BufferIsValid(), BufferGetBlock(), BufferGetPageSize().

Sounds reasonable to me.  If you do this, I'll see whether pademelon
can be adjusted to build using the minimum macro expansion buffer
size specified by the C standard.

                        regards, tom lane

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