On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:31 PM, Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I took this for a test drive, and had some comments.on the user visible
> parts.
> [...]
> But I think these belong as CONTEXT or as DETAIL, not as HINT.  The
> messages are giving me details about where (which column)  the error
> occurred, they aren't giving suggestions to me about what to do about it.

Hi Jeff,

Somehow my email never went through. So thank you for the test drive, I've
tried to update my patch (that you will find attached) to reflect what you
said (DETAIL instead of HINT).

Thanks Tom for pointing me at the docs, I clearly wasn't respecting the


Attachment: 0001-Report-column-for-which-type-coercion-fails.patch
Description: Binary data

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