Hello, KaiGai-san.

Thank you for your comment, and sorry for late response.

The attached patch is completely rewritten from previous patch[1], at your 
Please find attached.

This patch contains following implementation, but I can't determine this is 
correct or wrong.

1. Cost estimation
In this patch, additional row filter is implemented for Hash, Merge join and 
Nested Loop.
I implemented cost estimation feature for this filter by watching other parts 
of filters,
but I am not sure this implementation is correct.

2. Workaround for failing assertion at allpaths.c
In standard_join_search(), we expect to have a single rel at the final level.
But this expectation is disappointed by join pushdown feature, because this will
search for the combinations not searched by original standard_join_serch()
at the final level. Therefore, once trying join pushdown is succeeded,
failing assertion occurs in allpaths.c.

So I implemented workaround by temporary set NULL to root->join_rel_level while
trying join pushdown, but I think this implementation may be wrong.

3. Searching pathkeys for Merge Join
When join pushdown feature chooses merge join for pushed-down join operation,
planner fails to create merge join node because it is unable to find pathkeys
for this merge join. I found this is caused by skipping child table in finding

I expect that it is for making planner faster, and I implemented that
planner doesn't skip child table in finding pathkeys for merge join.
But I am not sure this expectation is correct.

Any comments/suggestions are welcome.

Remarks :

Best regards,
Taiki Kondo

NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kaigai Kouhei(海外 浩平) [mailto:kai...@ak.jp.nec.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 5:47 PM
To: Kondo Taiki(近藤 太樹); pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
Cc: Iwaasa Akio(岩浅 晃郎)
Subject: RE: [Proposal] Table partition + join pushdown

Hello Kondo-san,

I briefly checked your patch. Let me put some comments about its design and 
implementation, even though I have no arguments towards its concept. :-)

* Construction of RelOptInfo

In your patch, try_hashjoin_pushdown() called by try_hashjoin_path() constructs 
RelOptInfo of the join-rel between inner-rel and a subpath of Append node. It 
is entirely wrong implementation.

I can understand we (may) have no RelOptInfo for the joinrel between
tbl_child_0 and other_table, when planner investigates a joinpath to process 
join Append path with the other_table.

>   HashJoin
>     -> Append
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_0
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_1
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_2
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_3
>     -> Hash
>       -> SeqScan on other_table
How about these alternatives?

- calls make_join_rel() to the pair of tbl_child_X and other_table
  by try_hashjoin_pushdown() or somewhere. make_join_rel() internally
  construct a RelOptInfo for the supplied pair of relations, so
  relevant RelOptInfo shall be properly constructed.
- make_join_rel() also calls add_paths_to_joinrel() towards all the
  join logic, so it makes easier to support to push down other join
  logic including nested-loop or custom-join.
- It may be an idea to add an extra argument to make_join_rel() to
  inform expressions to be applied for tuple filtering on
  construction of inner hash table.

* Why only SeqScan is supported

I think it is the role of Hash-node to filter out inner tuples obviously 
unrelated to the join (if CHECK constraint of outer relation gives 
information), because this join-pushdown may be able to support multi-stacked 

For example, if planner considers a path to join this Append-path with another 
relation, and join clause contains a reference to X?

>   Append
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_0
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 0
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_1
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 1
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_2
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 2
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_3
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 3
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
It may be a good challenge to consider additional join pushdown, even if 
subpaths of Append are HashJoin, not SeqScan, like:

    -> HashJoin
      -> HashJoin
        -> SeqScan on tbl_child_0
        -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 0
          -> SeqScan on other_table
      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 0
         -> SeqScan on another_table
    -> HashJoin
      -> HashJoin
        -> SeqScan on tbl_child_1
        -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 1
          -> SeqScan on other_table
      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 1
         -> SeqScan on another_table
    -> HashJoin
      -> HashJoin
        -> SeqScan on tbl_child_2
        -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 2
          -> SeqScan on other_table
      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 2
         -> SeqScan on another_table
    -> HashJoin
      -> HashJoin
        -> SeqScan on tbl_child_3
        -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 3
          -> SeqScan on other_table
      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 3
         -> SeqScan on another_table

In this case, underlying nodes are not always SeqScan. So, only Hash-node can 
have filter clauses.

* Way to handle expression nodes

All this patch supported is CHECK() constraint with equal operation on INT4 
data type. You can learn various useful infrastructure of PostgreSQL. For 
example, ...
- expression_tree_mutator() is useful to make a copy of expression
  node with small modification
- pull_varnos() is useful to check which relations are referenced
  by the expression node.
- RestrictInfo->can_join is useful to check whether the clause is
  binary operator, or not.

Anyway, reuse of existing infrastructure is the best way to make a reliable 
infrastructure and to keep the implementation simple.

NEC Business Creation Division / PG-Strom Project KaiGai Kohei 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-hackers-ow...@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-hackers-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Taiki Kondo
> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 6:30 PM
> To: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> Cc: Kaigai Kouhei(海外 浩平); Iwaasa Akio(岩浅 晃郎)
> Subject: [HACKERS] [Proposal] Table partition + join pushdown
> Hi all,
> I saw the email about the idea from KaiGai-san[1], and I worked to 
> implement this idea.
> Now, I have implemented a part of this idea, so I want to propose this 
> feature.
> Patch attached just shows my concept of this feature.
> It works fine for EXPLAIN, but it returns wrong result for other operations, 
> sadly.
> Table partition + join pushdown
> ===============================
> Motivation
> ----------
> To make join logic working more effectively, it is important to make 
> the size of relations smaller.
> Especially in Hash-join, it is meaningful to make the inner relation 
> smaller, because smaller inner relation can be stored within smaller hash 
> table.
> This means that memory usage can be reduced when joining with big tables.
> Design
> ------
> It was mentioned by the email from KaiGai-san.
> So I quote below here...
> ---- begin quotation ---
> Let's assume a table which is partitioned to four portions, and 
> individual child relations have constraint by hash-value of its ID 
> field.
>   tbl_parent
>    + tbl_child_0 ... CHECK(hash_func(id) % 4 = 0)
>    + tbl_child_1 ... CHECK(hash_func(id) % 4 = 1)
>    + tbl_child_2 ... CHECK(hash_func(id) % 4 = 2)
>    + tbl_child_3 ... CHECK(hash_func(id) % 4 = 3)
> If someone tried to join another relation with tbl_parent using 
> equivalence condition, like X = tbl_parent.ID, we know inner tuples 
> that does not satisfies the condition
>   hash_func(X) % 4 = 0
> shall be never joined to the tuples in tbl_child_0.
> So, we can omit to load these tuples to inner hash table preliminary, 
> then it potentially allows to split the inner hash-table.
> Current typical plan structure is below:
>   HashJoin
>     -> Append
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_0
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_1
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_2
>       -> SeqScan on tbl_child_3
>     -> Hash
>       -> SeqScan on other_table
> It may be rewritable to:
>   Append
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_0
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 0
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_1
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 1
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_2
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 2
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_3
>      -> Hash ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 3
>        -> SeqScan on other_table
> ---- end quotation ---
> In the quotation above, it was written that filter is set at Hash node.
> But I implemented that filter is set at SeqScan node under Hash node.
> In my opinion, filtering tuples is work of Scanner.
>   Append
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_0
>      -> Hash
>        -> SeqScan on other_table ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 0
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_1
>      -> Hash
>        -> SeqScan on other_table ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 1
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_2
>      -> Hash
>        -> SeqScan on other_table ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 2
>    -> HashJoin
>      -> SeqScan on tbl_child_3
>      -> Hash
>        -> SeqScan on other_table ... Filter: hash_func(X) % 4 = 3
> ---
> There are 3 new internal (static) functions to implement this feature.
> try_hashjoin_pushdown(), which is main function of this feature, is 
> called from try_hashjoin_path(), and tries to push down HashPath under 
> the AppendPath.
> To do so, this function does following operations.
>   1. Check if this Hash-join can be pushed down under AppendPath
>   2. To avoid an influence on other Path making operation,
>      copy inner path's RelOptInfo and make new SeqScan path from it.
>      At here, get CHECK() constraints from OUTER path, and convert its
>      Var node according to join condition. And also convert Var nodes
>      in join condition itself.
>   3. Create new HashPath nodes between each sub-paths of AppendPath and
>      inner path made above.
>   4. When operations from 1 to 3 are done for each sub-paths,
>      create new AppendPath which sub-paths are HashPath nodes made above.
> get_replaced_clause_constr() is called from try_hashjoin_pushdown(), 
> and get_var_nodes_recurse() is called from get_replaced_cluase_constr().
> These 2 functions help above operations.
> (I may revise this part to use expression_tree_walker() and
>  expression_tree_mutator().)
> In patch attached, it has the following limitations.
>   o It only works for hash-join operation.
>     (I want to support not only hash-join but also other logic.)
>   o Join conditions must be "=" operator with int4 variables.
>   o Inner path must be SeqScan.
>     (I want to support other path-node.)
>   o And now, planner may not choose this plan,
>     because estimated costs are usually larger than original (non-pushdown) 
> plan.
> And also 1 internal (static) function, get_relation_constraints() 
> defined in plancat.c, is changed to global. This function will be 
> called from
> get_replaced_clause_constr() to get CHECK() constraints.
> Usage
> -----
> To use this feature, create partition tables and small table to join, 
> and run select operation with joining these tables.
> For your convenience, I attach DDL and DML script.
> And I also attach the result of EXPLAIN.
> Any comments are welcome. But, at first, I need your advices to 
> correct this patch's behavior.
> At least, I think it has to expand array of RangeTblEntry and other 
> arrays defined in PlannerInfo to register new RelOptInfos for new Path nodes 
> mentioned above.
> Or, is it better choice to modify query parser to implement this 
> feature more further?
> Remarks :
> [1]
> http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/9A28C8860F777E439AA12E8AEA7694F80
> 10F672
> b...@bpxm15gp.gisp.nec.co.jp
> Best regards,
> --
> Taiki Kondo
> NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.

Attachment: join_pushdown.v1.patch
Description: join_pushdown.v1.patch

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