On 9/23/15 3:41 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> The CREATE POLICY documentation discusses how lack of a WITH CHECK
> policy means the USING expression is used:
> """
> Policies can be applied for specific commands or for specific roles. The
> default for newly created policies is that they apply for all commands
> and roles, unless otherwise specified. If multiple policies apply to a
> given query, they will be combined using OR (although ON CONFLICT DO
> UPDATE and INSERT policies are not combined in this way, but rather
> enforced as noted at each stage of ON CONFLICT execution). Further, for
> commands which can have both USING and WITH CHECK policies (ALL and
> UPDATE), if no WITH CHECK policy is defined then the USING policy will
> be used for both what rows are visible (normal USING case) and which
> rows will be allowed to be added (WITH CHECK case).
> """

I see.  But it is a bit odd to hide this very fundamental behavior
somewhere in a paragraph that starts out with something about roles.

There is also a mistake, I believe: DELETE policies also take both a
CHECK and a USING clause.

I still find something about this weird, but I'm not sure what.  It's
not clear to me at what level this USING->CHECK mapping is applied.  I
can write FOR ALL USING and it will be mapped to CHECK for all actions,
including INSERT, but when I write FOR INSERT USING it complains.  Why
doesn't it do the mapping that case, too?

>> (Btw., what's the meaning of a policy for DELETE?)
> The DELETE policy controls what records a user is able to delete.

That needs to be documented somewhere.

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