On 09/27/2015 02:11 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
Has anyone had success following the instructions at https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Building_With_MinGW#Installing_Git recently?

I've followed the instructions to set up the build environment on a Windows box, and I can't build from git. I can from the nightly tarball. So I think the most recent environment you get when following these instructions has suffered some regression in the bison, yak, or something else involved in building from git but not from tarball.

The Msys DTK contains a bison and flex that are adequate for our purposes. Are you sure you installed the developer tools?

I just followed this recipe. However, I had to do the following additional small steps on a fresh Windows Server 2012 instances on Amazon:

 * the git installer had to be run as Administrator or it got
   permissions violations
 * I had to add this to the end of the MSys PATH: ":/c/prog/git/cmd" (I
   installed it in c:/prog/git)
 * I had to add "C:/mingw /mingw" to the fstab

Given that, I was able to clone the code, build it and run the regression set without incident. This was using the gcc that comes with the mingw installer, not the separate one from mingw-w64.

Also, is there anyway to know the exact git commit which the nightly tarballs are build against?

Not to my knowledge. Perhaps the tarball generator should create a file reporting the head commit on the branch.



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