On 10/14/2015 07:41 PM, David Fetter wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 01:52:21AM +0300, Amir Rohan wrote:

>> I've considered "vendoring", but it seems like enough code surgery
>> be involved to make this very dubious "reuse". The language is simple
>> enough that writing a parser from scratch isn't a big deal hard, and
>> there doesn't seem much room for divergent parsing either.
> Such room as there is seems worth eliminating if possible.  

IMO, not If it means the tool will thus dodge minor potential
for harmless bugs, but becomes far more difficult to install
in the process.

> There's even a formal name for this issue, which attackers can use, although
> the implications as a source of subtle bugs in the absence of an
> attacker seem more pertinent right now.
> https://www.google.com/?q=parse%20tree%20differential%20attack

Interesting, but the security implications of a "parser attack" or
indeed different parsing behavior in some corner cases, are roughly
nil in this case.

>> So, the only question is whether reusing the existing parser will
>> brings along some highly useful functionality beyond an AST and
>> a battle-tested validator for bools, etc'. I'm not ruling anything
>> out yet, though.
> I suspect that having a single source parser, however painful now,
> will pay large dividends later.

I don't think anything is more important for a productivity tool then
being easily installed and easy to use.
It's a fact of life that all software will have bugs. If they matter,
you fix them.

Still, if there are more concrete benefits to adapting the parser, such
as batteries-included features I'm simply unaware of, I'd love to hear
about it.


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