On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:27 AM, FattahRozzaq <ssoor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm running some test.
> However, I'm stuck in restoring a PostgreSQL 9.2.4 dump to PostgreSQL
> 9.4.5 database.
> I'm doing the backup using pg_dump version PostgreSQL 9.2.4 in text
> file (SQL dump).
> I'm trying to restore it to PostgreSQL 9.4.5 usng psql.
> The restoration error message was as below:
>  psql:room.sql:41695: invalid command \n
> Query buffer reset (cleared).
> psql:room.sql:41696: invalid command \n
> Query buffer reset (cleared).
> The SQL statement in the file as below:
> COPY room (id, user_id, partner_id, rm_cr_ts, rm_up_ts, rm_sv_ts,
> value, last_dlvrd_to_user, last_dlvrd_to_prtnr, last_seen_by_user,
> last_seen_by_prtnr, num_unseen_by_user, num_unseen_by_prtnr,
> last_message_id, last_message_ts, legacy_id, legacy_last_message_id,
> inserted_at, updated_at) FROM stdin;
> 711675  1391103 2657167 -1429528649798556       1429528649798556
>  1429528649798556        created 0       0       0       0       1
>   0       19733451        1429528649798556        AUzWjCFTbRHQVpj5SYnD
>    AUzWjCR43gMouVUpyttw    2015-09-12 18:56:49     2015-09-12 18:56:49

19      40868   1191438 1426767773822538        1426767773822538
>  1426767773822538        closed  1426754122000000        0
> 1426754122000000        2       0       1       \N      0
> 550a8a4a73656d2e26160000                2015-09-12 14:05:32
> 2015-09-12 14:05:32

Not sure how that could happen, but this second line has only 18 fields
instead of the expected 19.  The first one appears to be correct.

I create the room table as below:
>     id integer NOT NULL,
>     user_id character varying(255),
>     partner_id character varying(255),
>     rm_cr_ts bigint,
>     rm_up_ts bigint,
>     rm_sv_ts bigint,
>     value character varying(255),
>     last_dlvrd_to_user bigint,
>     last_dlvrd_to_prtnr bigint,
>     last_seen_by_user bigint,
>     last_seen_by_prtnr bigint,
>     num_unseen_by_user integer,
>     num_unseen_by_prtnr integer,
>     last_message_id integer,
>     last_message_ts bigint,
>     legacy_id text,
>     legacy_last_message_id text,
>     inserted_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
>     updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
> );
> All the servers are Debian 7.8 (Wheezy) with hardware:
> - CPU 24 cores
> - RAM 128GB
> - SSD 128GB
> Have anyone try this before?
> How to do it properly?

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