
On 11/27/2015 02:28 PM, Greg Stark wrote:
On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Tomas Vondra
<tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
I plan to do more power failure testing soon, with more complex
test scenarios. I suspect there might be other similar issues (e.g.
when we rename a file before a checkpoint and don't fsync the
directory -then the rename won't be replayed and will be lost).

I'm curious how you're doing this testing. The easiest way I can
think of would be to run a database on an LVM volume and take a large
number of LVM snapshots very rapidly and then see if the database can
start up from each snapshot. Bonus points for keeping track of the
committed transactions before each snaphsot and ensuring they're
still there I guess.

I do have reliable storage (Intel SSD with power-loss protection), and I've connected the system to a sophisticated power-loss-making device called "the power switch" (image attached).

In other words, in the last ~7 days the system got rebooted more times than in the previous ~5 years.

That always seemed unsatisfactory because in the past we were mainly
concerned with whether fsync was actually getting propagated to the
physical media. But for testing whether we're fsyncing enough for
the filesystem that would be good enough.

Yeah. I considered some form of virtualized setup initially, but my original intent was to verify whether disabling write barriers really is safe (because I've heard numerous complaints that it's stupid). And as write barriers are more tightly coupled to the hardware, I opted for the more brutal approach.

But I agree some form of virtualized setup might be more flexible, although I'm not sure LVM snapshots are good approach as snapshots may wait for I/O requests to complete and such. I think something qemu might work better when combined with "kill -9" and I plan to try reproducing the data loss issue on such setup.


Tomas Vondra                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services
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