On 12/22/15 12:01 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Yury Zhuravlev <u.zhurav...@postgrespro.ru> writes:
If you break backwards compatibility, it can be done arrays
similar to C/C++/Python/Ruby and other languages style?
I'm sorry to bring up this thread again...

I am not sure just exactly how incompatible that would be, but surely it
would break enormously more code than what we're discussing here.
So no, I don't think any such proposal has a chance.  There are degrees
of incompatibility, and considering a small/narrow one does not mean that
we'd also consider major breakage.

As I see it, the biggest problem with our arrays is that they can't decide if they're a simple array (which means >1 dimension is an array of arrays) or a matrix (all slices in a dimension must be the same size). They seem to be more like matricies than arrays, but then there's a bunch of places that completely ignore dimensionality. It would be nice to standardize them one way or another, but it seems like the breakage from that would be horrific.

One could theoretically construct a custom "type" that followed more traditional semantics, but then you'd lose all the syntax... which I suspect would make any such "type" all but unusable. The other problem would be having it deal with any other data type, but at least there's ways you can work around that for the most part.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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