On 1/18/2016 11:09 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
The relevant portion of config.log seems to be this:
I do not think configure pays attention to mere warnings for this type of test. The real problem here seems to be the "permission denied" errors, which to me reek of broken Windows antivirus software. (As far as I'm aware, the word "broken" is redundant in that phrase.)
Thank you both for looking into this. The only A/V-type software that I have running is the "Microsoft Security Essentials".

I'm a little confused as to why -Wno-cpp fixes any of that, though.
Most likely, it's pure chance that a retry worked.  Or if it's repeatable,
maybe no-cpp changes the compiler's file access patterns enough that
there's no longer a false trip of the AV check.

Short answer is that I wonder how much of the OP's multiple problems
are being caused by AV bugs.
I did not make any changes other than adding the compiler flags between those two runs (nor afterwards).

The reason that I decided to try to add the -Wno-error flag was that I searched the net for the error message, and found this thread from 4 years ago: http://postgresql.nabble.com/Setting-Werror-in-CFLAGS-td5118384.html -- which showed
a similar error message and a play of the compiler flags.

I will try to run both forms again and report whether it is repeatable.

Thanks again,


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