>From doc/src/start.sgml:

    That would mean you are a database superuser, which is most likely
    the case if you installed <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
    yourself.  Being a superuser means that you are not subject to
    access controls.  For the purposes of this tutorial that is not

"most likely the case if you installed
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> yourself" sounds a little bit
strange to me because even if you installed PostgreSQL yourself, you
are not neccearily a PostgreSQL superuser. If you executed initdb,
then you could be a PostgreSQL superuser.

What about changing the line to:

"most likely the case if you installed
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> instance yourself"

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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