On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 6:41 PM, David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com>
> On 18 March 2016 at 01:22, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 10:35 AM, David Rowley
> > <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Updated patch is attached. Thanks for the re-review.

Few more comments:


+ if (parse->groupClause)
+ path = (Path *) create_sort_path(root,
+ grouped_rel,
+ path,
+ root->group_pathkeys,
+ -1.0);

For final path, why do you want to sort just for group by case?

+ path = (Path *) create_gather_path(root, partial_grouped_rel, path,
+   NULL, &total_groups);
+ if (parse->groupClause)
+ path = (Path *) create_sort_path(root,
+ grouped_rel,
+ path,
+ root->group_pathkeys,
+ -1.0);
+ if (parse->hasAggs)
+ add_path(grouped_rel, (Path *)
+ create_agg_path(root,
+ grouped_rel,
+ path,
+ target,
+ parse->groupClause ? AGG_SORTED : AGG_PLAIN,
+ parse->groupClause,
+ (List *) parse->havingQual,
+ &agg_costs,
+ partial_grouped_rel->rows,
+ true,
+ true));
+ else
+ add_path(grouped_rel, (Path *)
+ create_group_path(root,
+  grouped_rel,
+  path,
+  target,
+  parse->groupClause,
+  (List *) parse->havingQual,
+  total_groups));

In above part of patch, it seems you are using number of groups
differenetly; for create_group_path() and create_gather_path(), you have
used total_groups whereas for create_agg_path()
partial_grouped_rel->rows is used, is there a reason for the same?

+ if (grouped_rel->partial_pathlist)
+ {
+ Path   *path = (Path *)
+ double total_groups;
+ total_groups =
path->rows * path->parallel_degree;
+ path = (Path *) create_gather_path(root, partial_grouped_rel,
+   NULL, &total_groups);

A. Won't passing partial_grouped_rel lead to incomplete information
required by create_gather_path() w.r.t the case of parameterized path info?
B. You have mentioned that passing grouped_rel will make gather path
contain the information of final path target, but what is the problem with
that? I mean to ask why Gather node is required to contain partial path
target information instead of final path target.
C. Can we consider passing pathtarget to create_gather_path() as that seems
to save us from inventing new UpperRelationKind? If you are worried about
adding the new parameter (pathtarget) to create_gather_path(), then I think
we are already passing it in many other path generation functions, so why
not for gather path generation as well?

Overall function create_grouping_paths() looks better than previous, but I
think still it is difficult to read.  I think it can be improved by
generating partial aggregate paths separately as we do for nestloop
join refer function consider_parallel_nestloop

Rather than directly using create_gather_path(), can't we use
generate_gather_paths as for all places where we generate gather node,
generate_gather_paths() is used.

+make_partialgroup_input_target(PlannerInfo *root, PathTarget *final_target)
+ foreach(lc, final_target->exprs)
+ {
+ Expr   *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
+ if (parse->groupClause)
+ {
+ Index sgref = final_target-
+ if (sgref && get_sortgroupref_clause_noerr(sgref, parse->groupClause)
!= NULL)
+ {
+ /*
 * It's a grouping column, so add it to the input target as-is.
+ */
add_column_to_pathtarget(input_target, expr, sgref);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Non-grouping column, so just remember the expression for later
* call to pull_var_clause.
+ */
+ non_group_cols = lappend(non_group_cols, expr);

Do we want to achieve something different in the above foreach loop than
the similar loop in make_group_input_target(), if not then why are they not
exactly same?

+ /* XXX this causes some redundant cost calculation ... */
+ input_target = set_pathtarget_cost_width(root,
+ return input_target;

Can't we use return set_pathtarget_cost_width() directly rather than
fetching it in input_target and then returning input_target?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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