Well the results are finally in. Hopefully we can concentrate on putting
them right, rather than having a round of "told you so's" :-)

I modified the test program slightly to improve the consistency checks.
The updated version is attached.

Regards, Dave.


Gigabyte GA-6VTXD Motherboard
Dual 1GHz PIII Processors
Fujitsu MPG3240AH IDE Disk Drive

Enhanced IDE Performance disabled in the BIOS.


Test program run from a seperate machine.
20 Tests per OS.
Powerfail randomly applied.

Windows 2000 Testing

Write back cache on IDE disk disabled.
Clean installation of Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3

Run | Errors Detected
 01 | None
 02 | None
 03 | None
 04 | None
 05 | None
 06 | None
 07 | COUNT CHECK - Duplicate or missing rows detected (10262)!!
 08 | None
 09 | DISTINCT CHECK - Duplicate or missing rows detected (9893)!!
    | COUNT CHECK - Duplicate or missing rows detected (9893)!!
 10 | None
 11 | None
 12 | None
 13 | None
 14 | COUNT CHECK - Duplicate or missing rows detected (10024)!!
 15 | None
 16 | None
 17 | None
 18 | None
 19 | None
 20 | None

Linux Testing

Clean installation of Slackware Linux 8.1 on ext3
Kernel 2.4.18

Run | Errors Detected
 01 | None
 02 | None
 03 | None
 04 | None
 05 | None
 06 | None
 07 | None
 08 | None
 09 | None
 10 | None
 11 | None
 12 | None
 13 | None
 14 | None
 15 | None
 16 | None
 17 | None
 18 | None
 19 | None
 20 | None

Attachment: pgtest.c
Description: pgtest.c

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