Windows 7 vs 10 makes no odds here. What matters is whether your Postgres or R 
installations are x64 or x86.


Any x64 Windows can run x64 or x86 software perfectly happily, but you can’t 
mix a DLL with an EXE of a different flavour. They have to match.



David M Bennett FACS


Andl - A New Database Language -



[] On Behalf Of Dave Cramer
Sent: Tuesday, 3 May 2016 11:55 PM
To: Andre Mikulec <>
Cc: Joe Conway <>;
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] SPI_exec ERROR in pl/r of R 3.2.4 on PostgreSQL on 
Windows 7


Does anyone else have a Windows 7 installation we can test this on ?


is actually a 64 bit version built on windows 10. I've had one confirmation 
that it works.



Dave Cramer <> <> 


On 30 April 2016 at 12:39, Andre Mikulec < 
<> > wrote:


Who did the compiling? Did you compile everything yourself, or use
binary installers for some of it? If so, which ones?

This is really a continuation of the experience I had with Dave Cramer in here.

Postgresql 9.5 support #1

To try to figure out the problem, ( and perhaps? eliminate Microsoft from the 
I compiled a PostgreSQL [debug] version myself.

C:\Users\AnonymousUser\Desktop\PostgreSQL.9.5.1\App\PgSQL>chcp 1252 > nul && 
psql (9.5.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 9.5.1 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by gcc.exe 
(x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 5.3.0, 64-bit
(1 row)

I also built a non-debug plr.dll/plr myself too.
I modified ( mostly simplified )
in the Makefile, I eliminated ( by much trial and error ) the OS non_window 
stuff, the pkg-config stuff, and the  PGXS stuff .

Then I did,
AnonymousUser@ANONYMOUSX /c/Users/AnonymousUser/postgresql-9.4.1/contrib
$ make -C plr clean

AnonymousUser@ANONYMOUSX /c/Users/AnonymousUser/postgresql-9.4.1/contrib
$  make -C plr all

So now I have my own plr.dll.

Then, I followed the instructions ( INSTALL.txt ) found in here.

However, I used my own plr.dll/plr
Seems, that in the destination, I had to copy plr.dll to plr, but that seems to 
work fine.

Later, after I finish following "create extension plr;" found in

I do

postgres=# select plr_version();
(1 row)

postgres=#   select plr_environ();



NOTE: The directory structure is from Postgre 9.4 Portable,  I just use ONLY 
the directory structure.
The one and ONLY file I use is the pgsql.cmd batch startup file ( I did my 
'environment' and 'user friendly modifications.' )


I do this, I get no results, and no error.

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'plr_modules' AND 
relnamespace = 2200;
 relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode 
| reltablespace | relpages
(0 rows)

But, then this ( R language code ) strangely works.

postgres=# select r_version(); # THIS IS THE 'R LANGUAGE' ( IF THE EXTENSION 
'works' )
 (system,"x86_64, mingw32")
 ("svn rev",70301)
 (version.string,"R version 3.2.4 (2016-03-10)")
 (nickname,"Very Secure Dishes")
(14 rows)

This does not work.
postgres=# select upper(typname) || 'OID' as typename, oid from 
pg_catalog.pg_type where typtype = 'b' order by typname;
ERROR:  could not open file "base/12373/1247": No such file or directory

This ( R language code ) that uses that SQL does not work.

postgres=# select load_r_typenames();
ERROR:  R interpreter expression evaluation error
DETAIL:  Error in pg.spi.exec(sql) :
  error in SQL statement : could not open file "base/12373/1247": No such file 
or directory
CONTEXT:  In R support function pg.spi.exec
In PL/R function load_r_typenames

In real-time ( exactly right now ), I have exactly  PostgreSQL 9.4.1 (and pl/r 
and R.3.1.2 )on Windows 7 running on port 5433.
This Postgre 9.1.1 uses the  same hard disk ( 9.4.1 and 9.5.1 (above) share the 
exact same hard disk.)

"%PGSQL%\bin\psql.exe" --port 5433
psql (9.4.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 9.4.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit
(1 row)

postgres=#  select plr_version();
(1 row)

postgres=#  select plr_environ();



This also returns zero rows. ( Should it do that? ).

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'plr_modules' AND 
relnamespace = 2200;
 relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode 
| reltablespace | relpages |
(0 rows)

postgres=# select r_version();
 (system,"x86_64, mingw32")
 ("svn rev",66913)
 (version.string,"R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31)")
 (nickname,"Pumpkin Helmet")
(14 rows)

This works.  It did not work (above) in PostreSQL 9.5.1.

postgres=# select upper(typname) || 'OID' as typename, oid from 
pg_catalog.pg_type where typtype = 'b' order by typname;
       typename       |  oid
 _ABSTIMEOID          |  1023
 XMLOID               |   142
(135 rows)

This ( R language) works. It did not work ( above ) in PostreSQL 9.5.1

postgres=# select load_r_typenames();
(1 row)

So in summary, I can not see anything wrong with pl/r.

Something seems not fully right with  the IO of Postgresql 9.5 on Windows [7] 
[64 bit]

One difference that I can currently see this that 9.4.1 psql uses a different 
code page than 9.5.1 psql .
9.5.1 psql has to be forced to use 1252 ( chcp 1252 ) .  Does this matter?

Are there any recommended changes to make the IO of 9.5.1 behave like the IO of 

In comparing the 9.4.1 postgresql.conf to the 9.5.1 postgresql.conf,
these are the differences found. ( These are both defaults )

AnonymousUser@ANONYMOUSX /c/Users/AnonymousUser/postgresql-9.5.1/contrib
$ diff --ignore-space-change --ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines  

< #ssl_renegotiation_limit = 512MB      # amount of data between renegotiations
> #row_security = on
< #effective_io_concurrency = 1         # 1-1000; 0 disables prefetching
> #effective_io_concurrency = 0         # 1-1000; 0 disables prefetching
> #wal_compression = off                        # enable compression of 
> full-page writes
< #checkpoint_segments = 3              # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
> #max_wal_size = 1GB
> #min_wal_size = 80MB
< #archive_mode = off           # allows archiving to be done
> #archive_mode = off           # enables archiving; off, on, or always
> #track_commit_timestamp = off # collect timestamp of transaction commit
>                               # (change requires restart)
> #wal_retrieve_retry_interval = 5s     # time to wait before retrying to
>                                       # retrieve WAL after a failed attempt
> #log_replication_commands = off
> # - Process Title -
> #cluster_name = ''                    # added to process titles if nonempty
>                                       # (change requires restart)
> #update_process_title = on
< #update_process_title = on
> #gin_fuzzy_search_limit = 0
> #gin_pending_list_limit = 4MB
> #operator_precedence_warning = off

Are there any recommended postgresql.conf changes?

What do I do next?
Will anyone help me?
Do I report this to someone?
Do I file a bug?
Do I try to debug PostreSQL 9.5 on Windows myself? ( I am not a C/C++ guy.  I 
am a DBA. )

Thank you,
Andre Mikulec <> 

From: Joe Conway < <> >
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 5:02 PM
To: Andre Mikulec; 
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] SPI_exec ERROR in pl/r of R 3.2.4 on PostgreSQL on 
Windows 7

On 04/29/2016 07:58 AM, Andre Mikulec wrote:
> I am working with pl/r compiled for R.3.2.4 64 bit on PostgreSQL 9.5.1
> 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit

Who did the compiling? Did you compile everything yourself, or use
binary installers for some of it? If so, which ones?


Crunchy Data -
PostgreSQL Support for Secure Enterprises
Consulting, Training, & Open Source Development


From: Andre Mikulec < 
<> >
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 10:58 AM
To: <> 
Subject: SPI_exec ERROR in pl/r of R 3.2.4 on PostgreSQL on Windows 7

I am working with pl/r compiled for R.3.2.4 64 bit on PostgreSQL 9.5.1 64 bit 
on Windows 7 64 bit

At the end of this issue, I am getting the following error.

  ERROR:  could not open file "base/12373/2663": No such file or directory
  LINE 1: SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'plr_mo...
QUERY:  SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'plr_modules' AND 
relnamespace = 2200

The error seems to be coming from SPI_exec.

If I run this SQL manually from psql
SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'plr_modules' AND 
relnamespace = 2200

The result is returned and is correct.

* The problem is not my hard disk. *
I am running multiple versions of PostgreSQL on the same hard disk. *

The following run fine.
Regular Windows pre-compiled PostgreSQL 9.4.1 downladed from downloaded from <> 
Regular Windows pre-compiled PostgreSQL 9.5.1 downladed from downloaded from <> 
Regular Windows pre-compiled PostgreSQL 9.5.2 downladed from downloaded from <> 

THe problem is not security.
I am gave 'Full Access' to Administators group , EveryOne group, and Users 
group to
the directories containing all of the PostgreSQL directries containing 
both/either data and binaries.

I have shutdown all virus software: AVG.

The pl/r and plr.dll for R 3.1.2 64 bit runs fine on PostgreSQL 9.4.1 64bit on 
Windows 7 64
The pl/r source code has not changed at least since PostgreSQL 9.4.1.

I have physically examined the pl/r source code.
It seems relatively simple to understand.

THe error seems to only come from here.

static bool
haveModulesTable(Oid nspOid)
sql = makeStringInfo();
  *sql_format = "SELECT NULL "
"FROM pg_catalog.pg_class "
"relname = 'plr_modules' AND "
"relnamespace = %u";
    int  spiRc;

appendStringInfo(sql, sql_format, nspOid);

spiRc = SPI_exec(sql->data, 1);
if (spiRc != SPI_OK_SELECT)
/* internal error */
elog(ERROR, "haveModulesTable: select from pg_class failed");

return SPI_processed == 1;

I noticed that the using in the SPI_exec function *seems* to be similar in the 
source code.

query = (char *) palloc(100 + NAMEDATALEN * 3 +
strlen(fieldval) + strlen(fieldtype));

sprintf(query, "insert into %s select * from %s where %s = '%s'::%s",
SPI_getrelname(rel), SPI_getrelname(rel),
SPI_fname(tupdesc, 1),
fieldval, fieldtype);

if ((ret = SPI_exec(query, 0)) < 0)
elog(ERROR, "funny_dup17 (fired %s) on level %3d: SPI_exec (insert ...) 
returned %d",
when, *level, ret);

AND SPI_exec *seems* to be similar here

StringInfoData querybuf;

/* Analyze the temp table with the new contents. */
appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "ANALYZE %s", tempname);
if (SPI_exec(, 0) != SPI_OK_UTILITY)
elog(ERROR, "SPI_exec failed: %s",;

It is defined here.

extern int SPI_execute(const char *src, bool read_only, long tcount);

/* Parse, plan, and execute a query string */
SPI_execute(const char *src, bool read_only, long tcount)

if (src == NULL || tcount < 0)

res = _SPI_begin_call(true);
if (res < 0)
return res;

memset(&plan, 0, sizeof(_SPI_plan));
plan.magic = _SPI_PLAN_MAGIC;
plan.cursor_options = 0;

_SPI_prepare_oneshot_plan(src, &plan);

res = _SPI_execute_plan(&plan, NULL,
InvalidSnapshot, InvalidSnapshot,
read_only, true, tcount);

return res;

/* Obsolete version of SPI_execute */
SPI_exec(const char *src, long tcount)
return SPI_execute(src, false, tcount);

My Big question is the following,

Has there been any change in the PostgreSQL IO code from 9.4.1. to 9.5.1
that may be possibly causing this problem ( in SPI_exec or elsewhere )?

  ERROR:  could not open file "base/12373/2663": No such file or directory

Any answers with any possibilities of any directions are welcome.

Thank you,
Andre Mikulec <> 

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