CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.bad() RETURNS text[] LANGUAGE plpythonu AS $$return []$$;
SELECT pg_temp.bad();
(1 row)

SELECT pg_temp.bad() = '{}'::text[];
(1 row)

Erm?? Turns out this is because

SELECT array_dims(pg_temp.bad()), array_dims('{}'::text[]);
 array_dims | array_dims
 [1:0]      |
(1 row)

and array_eq does this right off the bat:

        /* fast path if the arrays do not have the same dimensionality */
        if (ndims1 != ndims2 ||
                memcmp(dims1, dims2, ndims1 * sizeof(int)) != 0 ||
                memcmp(lbs1, lbs2, ndims1 * sizeof(int)) != 0)
                result = false;

plpython is calling construct_md_array() with ndims set to 1, *lbs=1 and (I'm pretty sure) *dims=0. array_in throws that combination out as bogus; I think that construct_md_array should at least assert() that as well. It's only used in a few places outside of arrayfuncs.c, but I find it rather disturbing that an included PL has been broken in this fashion for quite some time (PLySequence_ToArray() is the same in 9.0). There's at least one plpython unit test that would have thrown an assert.

plperl appears to be immune from this because it calls accumArrayResult() inside a loop that shouldn't execute for a 0 length array. Would that be the preferred method of building arrays in plpython? ISTM that'd be wasteful since it would incur a useless copy for everything that's varlena (AFAICT plperl already suffers from this).
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
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