On 2016-08-05 00:12:41 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> > The cause is an optimisation intended to allow the downstream to avoid
> > having to do local writes and flushes when the upstream's activity isn't of
> > interest to it and doesn't result in replicated rows. When the upstream does
> > a bunch of writes to another database or otherwise produces WAL not of
> > interest to the downstream we send the downstream keepalive messages that
> > include the upstream's current xlog position and the client replies to
> > acknowledge it's seen the new LSN. But, so that we can avoid disk flushes on
> > the downstream, we permit it to skip advancing its replication origin in
> > response to those keepalives. We continue to advance the confirmed_flush_lsn
> > and restart_lsn in the replication slot on the upstream so we can free WAL
> > that's not needed and move the catalog_xmin up. The replication origin on
> > the downstream falls behind the confirmed_flush_lsn on the upstream.
> This seems entirely too clever.  The upstream could safely remember
> that if the downstream asks for WAL position X it's safe to begin
> streaming from WAL position Y because nothing in the middle is
> interesting, but it can hardly decide to unilaterally ignore the
> request position.
> > The simplest fix would be to require downstreams to flush their replication
> > origin when they get a hot standby feedback message, before they send a
> > reply with confirmation. That could be somewhat painful for performance, but
> > can be alleviated somewhat by waiting for the downstream postgres to get
> > around to doing a flush anyway and only forcing it if we're getting close to
> > the walsender timeout. That's pretty much what BDR and pglogical do when
> > applying transactions to avoid having to do a disk flush for each and every
> > applied xact. Then we change START_REPLICATION ... LOGICAL so it ERRORs if
> > you ask for a too-old LSN rather than silently ignoring it.
> That's basically just proposing to revert this broken optimization,
> IIUC, and instead just try not to flush too often on the standby.

The effect of the optimization is *massive* if you are replicating a
less active database, or a less active subset of a database, in a
cluster with lots of other activity. I don't think that can just be
disregard, to protect against something with plenty of other failure


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