On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> To deal with the infinity/NaN issues, I made cube_in and cube_out rely
> on float8in_internal and float8out_internal, as we recently did for the
> core geometric types.  That causes the response to "1e-700" to be an
> out-of-range error rather than silent underflow, which seems to me to
> be fine, especially since it removes the platform dependency that's
> responsible for needing the separate cube_1.out and cube_3.out files.

So what happens to a database that has invalid cubes in it already?
Offhand I suspect they mostly become valid since float8in will handle
NaN and the like.

Incidentally, I so wish this module were named "vector" instead of
cube. I don't think I was confused by it for ages and still find it
confuses me for a few moments before I remember what it does.


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