On 12/09/16 12:16, Gavin Flower wrote:
two blocks would be logically adjacent (which means they are likely to be physically close together, but not guaranteed!).


Actual disk layouts are quite complicated, the above is an over simplification, but the message is still valid.

There are various tricks of disc layout ( & low level handling) that can be used to minimise the time taken to read 2 blocks that are logically adjacent. I had to know this stuff for discs that MainFrame computers used in the 1980's - modern disk systems are way more complicated, but the conclusions are still valid.

I am extremely glad that I no longer have to concern myself with understanding the precise low stuff on discs these days - there is no longer a one-to-one correspondence of what the O/S thinks is a disk block, with how the data is physically recorded on the disc.


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