Andres Freund <> writes:
> On 2016-09-12 18:35:03 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> You're inventing objections.

> Heh, it's actually your own objection ;)

I'm changing my opinion in the light of unfavorable evidence.  Is that

>> It won't require that any more than the
>> LATERAL approach does; it's basically the same code as whatever
>> nodeFunctionscan is going to do, but packaged as a pipeline eval node
>> rather than a base scan node.

> That might work.  It gets somewhat nasty though because you also need to
> handle, SRF arguments to SRFs. And those again can contain nearly
> arbitrary expressions inbetween. With the ROWS FROM approach that can be
> fairly easily handled via LATERAL.  I guess what we could do here is to
> use one pipeline node to evaluate all the argument SRFs, and then
> another for the outer expression. Where the outer node would evaluate
> the SRF arguments using normal expression evaluation, with the inner SRF
> output replaced by a var.

Right.  Nested SRFs translate to multiple ROWS-FROM RTEs with lateral
references in the one approach, and nested Result-thingies in the other.
It's pretty much the same thing mutatis mutandis, but I think it will
likely be a lot easier to get there from here with the Result-based
approach --- for example, we don't have to worry about forcing lateral
join order, and the ordering constraints vis-a-vis GROUP BY etc won't take
any great effort either.  Anyway I think it is worth trying.

> I wonder how much duplication we'd end up between nodeFunctionscan.c and
> nodeSRF (or whatever). We'd need the latter node to support ValuePerCall
> in an non-materializing fashion as well.  Could we combine them somehow?

Yeah, I was wondering that too.  I doubt that we want to make one node
type do both things --- the fact that Result comes in two flavors with
different semantics (with or without an input node) isn't very nice IMO,
and this would be almost that identical case.  But maybe they could share
some code at the level of ExecMakeTableFunctionResult.  (I've not looked
at your executor changes yet, not sure how much of that still exists.)

> I don't think the code for adding these intermediate SRF evaluating
> nodes will be noticeably simpler than what's in my prototype. We'll
> still have to do the whole conversion recursively, we'll still need
> complexity of figuring out whether to put those SRFs evaluations
> before/after group by, order by, distinct on and window functions.

I think it will slot into the code that's already there rather more
easily than what you've done, because we already *have* code that makes
decisions in that form.  We just need to teach it to break down what
it now thinks of as a single projection step into N+1 steps when there
are N levels of nested SRF present.  Anyway I'll draft a prototype and
then we can compare.

                        regards, tom lane

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