> That's my fallback position.  Obviously, this will lead to false
> positives depending on server load.  In my case, I'm targeting between

> 30-50 users so its likely to throw timeouts for various reasons other
> than locks even though my queries of interest are generally select a
> from b where id =3D c type of thing.  This is a kludgy solution but
> still better than writing cobol.
> The bigger issue is that a timeout will not return the reason the
> timed out.  There are cases where I would like to run a select for
> update over a range of records and handle the locked records and
> unlocked records differently.  A query that could match locked oids vs

> the oids I am interested in would be super.  I could then aggregate my

> select for updates into larger queries and reap massive performance
> gains.
> Another way of putting it is this: waiting for your select to timeout
> kind of like parking in Manhattan: you back your car up until you hit
> the next car.  I would sort of like to, uh, look in the rear view
> first.
I see your point.
> 1. Can you query if a tuple is locked by another transaction (the
> documentation unclearly suggests this can't be done via the pg_lock
> view) before executing select for update...?
Where did you find this?

Regards, Christoph

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