Hi Ashutosh,

On 2016/11/24 14:35, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
> I am trying to create a partitioned table with primary keys on the
> partitions. Here's the corresponding syntax as per documentation
> IF NOT EXISTS ] table_name
>     PARTITION OF parent_table [ (
>   { column_name WITH OPTIONS [ column_constraint [ ... ] ]
>     | table_constraint }
>     [, ... ]
> ) ] partition_bound_spec
> IIUC, it should allow "create table t1_p1 partition of t1 (a primary
> key) ...", (a primary key) is nothing but "column_name
> column_constraint", but here's what happens
> create table t1_p1 partition of t1 (a primary key) for values from (0) to 
> (100);
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "primary"
> LINE 1: create table t1_p1 partition of t1 (a primary key) for value...

You have to specify column constraints using the keywords WITH OPTIONS,
like below:

create table p1 partition of p (
    a with options primary key
) for values in (1);

> The same syntax also suggests using table_constraints but that too doesn't 
> work
>  create table t1_p1 partition of t1 (primary key (a) )  for values
> from (0) to (100);
> ERROR:  inherited relation "t1" is not a table or foreign table
> of course t1 is a table, what it isn't?

It's a bug.  Forgot to consider RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE to an if block
in the code that checks inheritance parent relation's relkind when
creating an index constraint (primary key) on a child table.  Will fix,
thanks for catching it.


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