> The only scenario where this would be useful is when using ALTER TABLE
> ADD CONSTRAINT in which case a fresh index is built (not USING INDEX).
> That's a bit narrow, because it would mean that you would either
> append a TABLESPACE clause to this existing clause, or create a
> storage parameter to enforce all indexes created for a relation on a
> wanted tablespace... For the other cases you could just do something
> like that, and that's what the large majority of people would care
> about:
> SET default_tablespace TO 'foo';
> CREATE TABLE foobar (id int PRIMARY KEY);
> But that's not the one you are interesting in, so likely a storage
> parameter is what pops up in my mind, with parameter defined at table
> creation: CREATE TABLE foo (id primary key) WITH
> (constraint_default_tablespace = foo) TABLESPACE bar;
> In this case the parent relation gets created in tablespace bar, but
> its primary key gets in tablespace foo.

How about making a storage parameter "default_tablespace" that also
covers CREATE INDEX and other stuff?

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