Hi, everyone!

08.12.16 18:25, Robert Haas wrote:
Of course, this is the beginning, not the end.  I've been thinking
about next steps -- here's an expanded list:

- more efficient plan-time partition pruning (constraint exclusion is too slow)
- run-time partition pruning
- partition-wise join (Ashutosh Bapat is already working on this)
- try to reduce lock levels
- hash partitioning
- the ability to create an index on the parent and have all of the
children inherit it; this should work something like constraint
inheritance.  you could argue that this doesn't add any real new
capability but it's a huge usability feature.
- teaching autovacuum enough about inheritance hierarchies for it to
update the parent statistics when they get stale despite the lack of
any actual inserts/updates/deletes to the parent.  this has been
pending for a long time, but it's only going to get more important
- row movement (aka avoiding the need for an ON UPDATE trigger on each
- insert (and eventually update) tuple routing for foreign partitions
- not scanning the parent
- fixing the insert routing so that we can skip tuple conversion where possible
- fleshing out the documentation

I would like to work on two tasks:
 - insert (and eventually update) tuple routing for foreign partition.
- the ability to create an index on the parent and have all of the children inherit it;

The first one has been implemented in pg_pathman somehow, but the code relies on dirty hacks, so the FDW API has to be improved. As for the extended index support, it doesn't look like a super-hard task.

Maksim Milyutin
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

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