Hello Tom,

On 17.12.2016 21:36, Tom Lane wrote:

4. The transformations are wrong anyway.  The OR case I showed above is
all right, but as I argued in <24331.1480199...@sss.pgh.pa.us>, the AND
case is not:

regression=# select 'a <-> (b & c)'::tsquery;
 'a' <-> 'b' & 'a' <-> 'c'
(1 row)

This matches 'a b a c', because 'a <-> b' and 'a <-> c' can each be
matched at different places in that text; but it seems highly unlikely to
me that that's what the writer of such a query wanted.  (If she did want
that, she would write it that way to start with.)  NOT is not very nice

If I'm not mistaken PostgreSQL 9.6 and master with patch "fix-phrase-search.patch" return false for the query:

select 'a b a c' @@ 'a <-> (b & c)'::tsquery;
(1 row)

I agree that such query is confusing. Maybe it is better to return true for such queries? Otherwise it seems that queries like 'a <-> (b & c)' will always return false. Then we need maybe some warning message.

Artur Zakirov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

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