Hi there
Any suggestion how to get around this issue I am having with vacuum command Iā€™m 
running on 8.1 version of prostgre SQL.
The VACUUM FULL command seems to get stuck on vacuuming 
"pg_catalog.pg_largeobject" (last message for Verbose)
 Now attempting below  - but not hopeful that it will complete successfully.
> VACUUM VERBOSE pg_catalog.pg_largeobject;
With initial Message
INFO:  vacuuming "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject"
How long should I wait for this to complete ā€“ if it ever does? It has currently 
been running for over 30 minutes.

Refer to the forwarded message below for additional information.

My fallback is that an archive of the existing DB (almost 2 TBytes) has been 
made and verified (via VEEAM Clone process). It contains all of the historical 
records the need to be retained in a read-only DB. The only option I seem to 
have is to drop the DB and start with a blank canvas. Not an option I want to 
take as I am not postgre SQL expect.

From: Hayes, Patrick
Sent: 29 December 2016 10:53
To: 'pgadmin-supp...@postgresql.org' <pgadmin-supp...@postgresql.org>
Subject: VACUUM FULL Error

Hi pgAdmin support,

Recently truncated tables in Postgre SQL DB and now unable to free up disk 
space on server with the VACUUM FULL command.
The DB is 1.91TBytes in size.
Server is running Win 2008 R2 Standard Operating System.
Postgre SQL is version 8.1

Error message reads as follows:
ERROR:  out of memory
DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 134217728.

Adding memory to server does not seem to make any difference. Re-starting the 
server makes no difference. The VACUUM command always ends in the same record 
Is there any way to selectively VACUUM tables ā€“ divide and conquer approach.
Thank you in advance for any support you can provide

Patrick Hayes

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