On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 2:21 AM, Karl O. Pinc <k...@meme.com> wrote:
> On January 15, 2017 11:47:51 PM CST, Michael Paquier 
> <michael.paqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Karl O. Pinc <k...@meme.com> wrote:
>>With all those issues fixed, I finish with the attached, that I am
>>fine to pass down to a committer. I still think that this should be
>>only one function using a SRF with rows shaped as (type, path) for
>>simplicity, but as I am visibly outnumbered I won't insist further.
> That also makes a certain amount of sense to me but I can't say I have 
> thought deeply about it. Haven't paid any attention to this issue and am fine 
> letting things move forward as is.

Gilles, what's your opinion here? As the author that's your call at
the end. What the point here is would be to change
pg_current_logfiles() to something like that:
=# SELECT * FROM pg_current_logfiles();
 method | file
 stderr | pg_log/postgresql.log
 csvlog | pg_log/postgresql.csv
And using this SRF users can filter the method with a WHERE clause.
And as a result the 1-arg version is removed. No rows are returned if
current_logfiles does not exist. I don't think there is much need for
a system view either.

>>Also, I would rather see an ERROR returned to the user in case of bad
>>data in current_logfiles, I did not change that either as that's the
>>original intention of Gilles.
> I could be wrong but I seem to recall that Robert recommended against an 
> error message. If there is bad data then something is really wrong, up to 
> some sort of an attack on the back end. Because this sort of thing simply 
> shouldn't happen it's enough in my opinion to guard against buffer overruns 
> etc and just get on with life. If something goes unexpectedly and badly wrong 
> with internal data structures in general there would have to be all kinds of 
> additional code to cover every possible problem and that doesn't seem to make 
> sense.

Hm... OK. At the same time not throwing at least a WARNING is
confusing, because a NULL result is returned as well even if the input
method is incorrect and even if the method is correct but it is not
present in current_logfiles. As the user is thought as a trusted user
as it has access to this function, I would think that being verbose on
the error handling, or at least warnings, would make things easier to

> Sorry about the previous email with empty content. My email client got away 
> from me.

No problem. That happens.

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