On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 7:19 PM, Beena Emerson <memissemer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> PFA the patch with the documentation included.

It is usually better to keep doc lines under control of 72-80
characters if possible.

+   /* column 1: Wal segment size */
+   len = strlen(value);
+   pq_sendint(&buf, len, 4);
+   pq_sendbytes(&buf, value, len);
Bip. Error. This is a parameter value, not the WAL segment size.

Except those minor points this works as expected, and is consistent
with non-replication sessions, so that's nice by itself:
=# create user toto replication login;

$ psql "replication=1" -U toto
=> SHOW foo;
ERROR:  42704: unrecognized configuration parameter "foo"
LOCATION:  GetConfigOptionByName, guc.c:7968
Time: 0.245 ms
=> SHOW log_directory;
ERROR:  42501: must be superuser to examine "log_directory"
LOCATION:  GetConfigOptionByName, guc.c:7974

I think that we could get a committer look at that at the least.

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