Please pardon the redondance: this is a slightly edited repost
  from another thread where motivation for this patch was discussed, so
  that it appear in the relevant thread.

Tom> [...] there was immediately objection as to whether his idea of TPC-B Tom> compliance was actually right.

From my point of view TPC-* are simply objective examples of typical
benchmark requirements to show which features are needed in a tool for doing this activity. Once features are available, I think that pgbench should also be a show-case for their usage. Currently a few functions (for implementing the bench as specified) and actually extracting results into variables (for suspicious auditors and bench relevance, see below) are missing.

Tom> I remember complaining that he had a totally artificial idea of what Tom> "fetching a data value" requires.


I think that the key misunderstanding is that you are honest and assume that other people are honest too. This is naïve: There is a long history of vendors creatively "cheating" to get better than deserve benchmark results. Benchmark specifications try to prevent such behaviors by laying careful requirements and procedures.

In this instance, you "know" that when pg has returned the result of the query the data is actually on the client side, so you considered it is fetched. That is fine for you, but from a benchmarking perspective with external auditors your belief/knowledge is not good enough.

For instance, the vendor could implement a new version of the protocol where the data are only transfered on demand, and the result just tells that the data is indeed somewhere on the server (eg on "SELECT abalance" it could just check that the key exists, no need to actually fetch the data from the table, so no need to read the table, the index is enough...). That would be pretty stupid for real application performance, but the benchmark would get better tps by doing so.

Without even intentionnaly cheating, this could be part of a useful "streaming mode" protocol option which make sense for very large results but would be activated for a small result.

Another point is that decoding the message may be a little expensive, so that by not actually extracting the data into the client but just keeping it in the connection/OS one gets better performance.

Thus, TPC-B 2.0.0 benchmark specification says:

"1.3.2 Each transaction shall return to the driver the Account_Balance resulting from successful commit of the transaction.

Comment: It is the intent of this clause that the account balance in the database be returned to the driver, i.e., that the application retrieve the account balance."

For me the correct interpretation of "the APPLICATION retrieve the account balance" is that the client application code, pgbench in this context, did indeed get the value from the vendor code, here "libpq" which is handling the connection.

Having the value discarded from libpq by calling PQclear instead of PQntuples/PQgetvalue/... skips a key part of the client code that no real application would skip. This looks strange and is not representative of real client code: as a potential auditor, because of this performance impact doubt and lack of relevance, I would not check the corresponding item in the audit check list:

  " Verify that transaction inputs and outputs satisfy Clause 1.3."

So the benchmark implementation would not be validated.

Another trivial reason to be able to actually retrieve data is that for benchmarking purpose it is very easy to want to test a scenario where you do different things based on data received, which imply that the data can be manipulated somehow on the benchmarking client side, which is currently not possible.

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