Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> I'm always getting deadlocks like this:
> [30-Mar-2003 19:19:51] PHP Fatal error:  postgres7 error: [0: ERROR:
> deadlock detected
> ] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO users_foods (user_id, date, meal_id, quantity,
> eaten, food_id) VALUES ('55283', '2003-04-07', '1', '1.00', 'f', '779')")
>  in /usr/local/www/generic/lib/adodb/ on line 71
> Why would an INSERT cause a deadlock problem?  Is this due to the FOR UPDATE
> problem with foreign keys?

I don't suppose a VACUUM is happening at the same time?  I've found
that 7.2.4 likes to give deadlocks during inserts into a table when
it's being VACUUMed (haven't tried it on 7.3.2 yet).

Kevin Brown                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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