On 2/3/17 6:20 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
- The ringbuffers in shared buffers can be problematic. One possible way of
solving that is to get rid of ringbuffers entirely and rely on different
initial values for usage_count instead, but that's not desirable if it just
means more clock sweep work for backends.
I'm not quite sure which ringbuffer you're referring to here? If to the
new one, why is it problematic?

No, I mean the non-default BufferAccessStrategy's.

FWIW, I started looking into this stuff because of a customer system where
shared buffers is currently ~4x larger than the cluster, yet there's a
non-trivial amount of buffers being written by backends.
That's probably not related to bgwriter then. If there's free pages
available (which there have to be if s_b is bigger than the cluster)
there'll be no clock sweep / victim buffers.  I strongly suspect that
you're seeing backend writes due to the write ringbuffers, e.g. by


seqscans, copy, vacuum - those won't be affected in either case.

Yeah, my idea there is that if there was a separate process responsible for the clock sweep then perhaps instead of ring buffers we could simply use different initial values for usage_count to control how likely things were to get evicted. Trying to do that with all the backends needing to run the clock would presumably be a really bad idea though.

I'd suggest installing pg_stat_statements and enabling track_io_timings
- that'll tell you which statements triggered backend writes and how
long they took.

Good idea.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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