On 03/08/2017 03:48 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 7:13 PM, Andreas Karlsson <andr...@proxel.se> wrote:
And I would argue that his feature is useful for quite many, based on my
experience running a semi-large database. Index bloat happens and without
REINDEX CONCURRENTLY it can be really annoying to solve, especially for
primary keys. Certainly more people have problems with index bloat than the
number of people who store index oids in their database.

Yeah, but that's not the only wart, I think.

The only two potential issues I see with the patch are:

1) That the index oid changes visibly to external users.

2) That the code for moving the dependencies will need to be updated when adding new things which refer to an index oid.

Given how useful I find REINDEX CONCURRENTLY I think these warts are worth it given that the impact is quite limited. I am of course biased since if I did not believe this I would not pursue this solution in the first place.

For example, I believe
(haven't looked at this patch series in a while) that the patch takes
a lock and later escalates the lock level.  If so, that could lead to
doing a lot of work to build the index and then getting killed by the
deadlock detector.

This version of the patch no longer does that. For my use case escalating the lock would make this patch much less interesting. The highest lock level taken is the same one as the initial one (SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE). The current patch does on a high level (very simplified) this:

2. Atomically move all dependencies from ind to ind_new, rename ind to ind_old, and rename ind_new to ind.

The actual implementation is a bit more complicated in reality, but no part escalates the lock level over what would be required by the steps for creating and dropping indexes concurrently

Also, if by any chance you think (or use any
software that thinks) that OIDs for system objects are a stable
identifier, this will be the first case where that ceases to be true.
If the system is shut down or crashes or the session is killed, you'll
be left with stray objects with names that you've never typed into the
system.  I'm sure you're going to say "don't worry, none of that is
any big deal" and maybe you're right.

Hm, I cannot think of any real life scenario where this will be an issue based on my personal experience with PostgreSQL, but if you can think of one please provide it. I will try to ponder some more on this myself.


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