Hi hackers,

While studying a regression reported[1] against my parallel hash join
patch, I noticed that we can also reach a good and a bad plan in
unpatched master.  One of the causes seems to be the estimated
selectivity of a semi-join with an extra <> filter qual.

Here are some times I measured for TPCH Q21 at scale 10 and work_mem
of 1GB.  That is a query with a large anti-join and a large semi-join.

  8 workers = 8.3s
  7 workers = 8.2s
  6 workers = 8.5s
  5 workers = 8.9s
  4 workers = 9.5s
  3 workers = 39.7s
  2 workers = 36.9s
  1 worker  = 38.2s
  0 workers = 47.9s

Please see the attached query plans showing the change in plan from
Hash Semi Join to Nested Loop Semi Join that happens only once we
reach 4 workers and the (partial) base relation size becomes smaller.
The interesting thing is that row estimate for the semi-join and
anti-join come out as 1 (I think this is 0 clamped to 1).

The same thing can be seen with a simple semi-join, if you happen to
have TPCH loaded.  Compare these two queries:

   FROM lineitem l1
                  FROM lineitem l2
                 WHERE l1.l_orderkey = l2.l_orderkey);

 -> estimates 59986012 rows, actual rows 59,986,052 (scale 10 TPCH)

   FROM lineitem l1
                  FROM lineitem l2
                 WHERE l1.l_orderkey = l2.l_orderkey
                   AND l1.l_suppkey <> l2.l_suppkey);

 -> estimates 1 row, actual rows 57,842,090 (scale 10 TPCH)

Or for a standalone example:

  SELECT (generate_series(1, 1000000) / 4)::int AS a,
         (generate_series(1, 1000000) % 100)::int AS b;

  ANALYZE foo;

    FROM foo f1
                   FROM foo f2
                  WHERE f1.a = f2.a);

 -> estimates 1,000,000 rows

    FROM foo f1
                   FROM foo f2
                  WHERE f1.a = f2.a
                    AND f1.b <> f2.b);

 -> estimates 1 row

I'm trying to wrap my brain around the selectivity code, but am too
green to grok how this part of the planner that I haven't previously
focused on works so far, and I'd like to understand whether this is
expected behaviour so that I can figure out how to tackle the reported
regression with my patch.  What is happening here?

Thanks for reading.


Thomas Munro
               QUERY PLAN                                                       
 Limit  (cost=4642943.81..4642943.82 rows=1 width=34) (actual 
time=39806.068..39806.080 rows=100 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=4642943.81..4642943.82 rows=1 width=34) (actual 
time=39806.064..39806.070 rows=100 loops=1)
         Sort Key: (count(*)) DESC, supplier.s_name
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 38kB
         ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=4642943.78..4642943.80 rows=1 width=34) 
(actual time=39796.916..39804.615 rows=3945 loops=1)
               Group Key: supplier.s_name
               ->  Sort  (cost=4642943.78..4642943.79 rows=1 width=26) (actual 
time=39796.906..39800.147 rows=38905 loops=1)
                     Sort Key: supplier.s_name
                     Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 4576kB
                     ->  Nested Loop Anti Join  (cost=2861152.85..4642943.77 
rows=1 width=26) (actual time=19851.808..39565.632 rows=38905 loops=1)
                           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=2861152.29..4642900.65 rows=1 
width=42) (actual time=19850.550..35747.936 rows=696628 loops=1)
                                 ->  Gather  (cost=2861151.85..4642893.24 
rows=1 width=50) (actual time=19850.323..29654.121 rows=1441593 loops=1)
                                       Workers Planned: 3
                                       Workers Launched: 3
                                       ->  Hash Semi Join  
(cost=2860151.85..4641893.14 rows=1 width=50) (actual time=21036.398..30323.561 
rows=360398 loops=4)
                                             Hash Cond: (l1.l_orderkey = 
                                             Join Filter: (l2.l_suppkey <> 
                                             Rows Removed by Join Filter: 93610
                                             ->  Hash Join  
(cost=2585.58..1486212.61 rows=258004 width=42) (actual time=17.681..3985.606 
rows=373726 loops=4)
                                                   Hash Cond: (l1.l_suppkey = 
                                                   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on 
lineitem l1  (cost=0.00..1456859.08 rows=6450109 width=16) (actual 
time=0.031..2986.281 rows=9482337 loops=4)
                                                         Filter: (l_receiptdate 
> l_commitdate)
                                                         Rows Removed by 
Filter: 5514176
                                                   ->  Hash  
(cost=2535.58..2535.58 rows=4000 width=30) (actual time=17.410..17.410 
rows=3945 loops=4)
                                                         Buckets: 4096  
Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 279kB
                                                         ->  Nested Loop  
(cost=79.29..2535.58 rows=4000 width=30) (actual time=1.872..15.971 rows=3945 
                                                               ->  Seq Scan on 
nation  (cost=0.00..1.31 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.026..0.034 rows=1 
(n_name = 'ETHIOPIA'::bpchar)
Removed by Filter: 24
                                                               ->  Bitmap Heap 
Scan on supplier  (cost=79.29..2494.27 rows=4000 width=38) (actual 
time=1.838..14.950 rows=3945 loops=4)
Cond: (s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey)
Blocks: exact=1898
                                                                     ->  Bitmap 
Index Scan on idx_supplier_nation_key  (cost=0.00..78.29 rows=4000 width=0) 
(actual time=1.309..1.309 rows=3945 loops=4)
Index Cond: (s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey)
                                             ->  Hash  
(cost=1814840.12..1814840.12 rows=59986012 width=16) (actual 
time=20846.345..20846.345 rows=59986052 loops=4)
                                                   Buckets: 33554432  Batches: 
4  Memory Usage: 965240kB
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on lineitem l2  
(cost=0.00..1814840.12 rows=59986012 width=16) (actual time=0.046..11007.730 
rows=59986052 loops=4)
                                 ->  Index Scan using orders_pkey on orders  
(cost=0.43..7.40 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=0 loops=1441593)
                                       Index Cond: (o_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey)
                                       Filter: (o_orderstatus = 'F'::bpchar)
                                       Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                           ->  Index Scan using idx_lineitem_orderkey on 
lineitem l3  (cost=0.56..21.58 rows=53 width=16) (actual time=0.005..0.005 
rows=1 loops=696628)
                                 Index Cond: (l_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey)
                                 Filter: ((l_receiptdate > l_commitdate) AND 
(l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey))
                                 Rows Removed by Filter: 1
 Planning time: 4.970 ms
 Execution time: 39809.977 ms
(47 rows)

               QUERY PLAN                                                       
 Limit  (cost=4216591.95..4216591.95 rows=1 width=34) (actual 
time=9489.945..9489.957 rows=100 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=4216591.95..4216591.95 rows=1 width=34) (actual 
time=9489.943..9489.949 rows=100 loops=1)
         Sort Key: (count(*)) DESC, supplier.s_name
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 38kB
         ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=4216591.92..4216591.94 rows=1 width=34) 
(actual time=9480.290..9488.403 rows=3945 loops=1)
               Group Key: supplier.s_name
               ->  Sort  (cost=4216591.92..4216591.92 rows=1 width=26) (actual 
time=9480.278..9483.654 rows=38905 loops=1)
                     Sort Key: supplier.s_name
                     Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 4576kB
                     ->  Nested Loop Anti Join  (cost=559157.24..4216591.91 
rows=1 width=26) (actual time=4154.990..9198.379 rows=38905 loops=1)
                           ->  Gather  (cost=559156.67..4216548.78 rows=1 
width=42) (actual time=4153.557..7185.268 rows=696628 loops=1)
                                 Workers Planned: 4
                                 Workers Launched: 4
                                 ->  Nested Loop Semi Join  
(cost=558156.67..4215548.68 rows=1 width=42) (actual time=4391.022..8656.693 
rows=139326 loops=5)
                                       Join Filter: (l2.l_suppkey <> 
                                       Rows Removed by Join Filter: 36246
                                       ->  Hash Join  
(cost=558156.11..1984566.52 rows=97950 width=46) (actual 
time=4390.978..7970.236 rows=144548 loops=5)
                                             Hash Cond: (l1.l_orderkey = 
                                             ->  Hash Join  
(cost=2585.58..1425767.03 rows=199953 width=42) (actual time=20.784..3405.518 
rows=298981 loops=5)
                                                   Hash Cond: (l1.l_suppkey = 
                                                   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on 
lineitem l1  (cost=0.00..1402436.29 rows=4998834 width=16) (actual 
time=0.040..2570.422 rows=7585870 loops=5)
                                                         Filter: (l_receiptdate 
> l_commitdate)
                                                         Rows Removed by 
Filter: 4411341
                                                   ->  Hash  
(cost=2535.58..2535.58 rows=4000 width=30) (actual time=20.458..20.458 
rows=3945 loops=5)
                                                         Buckets: 4096  
Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 279kB
                                                         ->  Nested Loop  
(cost=79.29..2535.58 rows=4000 width=30) (actual time=1.921..18.996 rows=3945 
                                                               ->  Seq Scan on 
nation  (cost=0.00..1.31 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.033..0.041 rows=1 
(n_name = 'ETHIOPIA'::bpchar)
Removed by Filter: 24
                                                               ->  Bitmap Heap 
Scan on supplier  (cost=79.29..2494.27 rows=4000 width=38) (actual 
time=1.881..17.968 rows=3945 loops=5)
Cond: (s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey)
Blocks: exact=1898
                                                                     ->  Bitmap 
Index Scan on idx_supplier_nation_key  (cost=0.00..78.29 rows=4000 width=0) 
(actual time=1.363..1.363 rows=3945 loops=5)
Index Cond: (s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey)
                                             ->  Hash  
(cost=463721.01..463721.01 rows=7347961 width=4) (actual 
time=4328.438..4328.438 rows=7309184 loops=5)
                                                   Buckets: 8388608  Batches: 1 
 Memory Usage: 322500kB
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on orders  
(cost=0.00..463721.01 rows=7347961 width=4) (actual time=0.040..2856.374 
rows=7309184 loops=5)
                                                         Filter: (o_orderstatus 
= 'F'::bpchar)
                                                         Rows Removed by 
Filter: 7690816
                                       ->  Index Scan using 
idx_lineitem_orderkey on lineitem l2  (cost=0.56..20.79 rows=159 width=16) 
(actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=1 loops=722740)
                                             Index Cond: (l_orderkey = 
                           ->  Index Scan using idx_lineitem_orderkey on 
lineitem l3  (cost=0.56..21.58 rows=53 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.003 
rows=1 loops=696628)
                                 Index Cond: (l_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey)
                                 Filter: ((l_receiptdate > l_commitdate) AND 
(l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey))
                                 Rows Removed by Filter: 1
 Planning time: 4.495 ms
 Execution time: 9493.733 ms
(47 rows)  
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