On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 8:29 AM, Kuntal Ghosh <kuntalghosh.2...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 2:05 AM, Kuntal Ghosh
> <kuntalghosh.2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > 1. Put an Assert(0) in ParallelQueryMain(), start server and execute
> > any parallel query.
> >  In LaunchParallelWorkers, you can see
> >        nworkers = n nworkers_launched = n (n>0)
> > But, all the workers will crash because of the assert statement.
> > 2. the server restarts automatically, initialize
> > BackgroundWorkerData->parallel_register_count and
> > BackgroundWorkerData->parallel_terminate_count in the shared memory.
> > After that, it calls ForgetBackgroundWorker and it increments
> > parallel_terminate_count. In LaunchParallelWorkers, we have the
> > following condition:
> > if ((BackgroundWorkerData->parallel_register_count -
> >                      BackgroundWorkerData->parallel_terminate_count) >=
> >         max_parallel_workers)
> > DO NOT launch any parallel worker.
> > Hence, nworkers = n nworkers_launched = 0.
> parallel_register_count and parallel_terminate_count, both are
> unsigned integer. So, whenever the difference is negative, it'll be a
> well-defined unsigned integer and certainly much larger than
> max_parallel_workers. Hence, no workers will be launched. I've
> attached a patch to fix this.

The current explanation of active number of parallel workers is:

 * The active
 * number of parallel workers is the number of registered workers minus the
 * terminated ones.

In the situations like you mentioned above, this formula can give negative
number for active parallel workers. However a negative number for active
parallel workers does not make any sense.

I feel it would be better to explain in code that in what situations, the
can generate a negative result and what that means.


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