Bruce Momjian wrote:
Justin Clift wrote:

Bruce Momjian wrote:

Justin Clift wrote:

Hi Jan,

Do you have an ETA for this?

I was going to report the Win32 status this week. As you know, I had to leave Win32 to catch up on email. The two big items left are exec() handlling and signals. If I can get those in by July 1, I can continue cleanup during beta and perhaps have a patch that people can test for Win32 later in the summer.

Ok, how does that leave our status for the next release of PostgreSQL?

Wish I knew --- I am realizing that I have trouble doing major
development and keeping up with patches/email.

Heh Heh Heh

That's what it was like when I started doing the Techdocs site. Had to shelve my plans for doing coding, purely because 16 hours a days still didn't leave any time for it.


Worth looking into delegating some of your workload?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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